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# Title Solution Difficulty
0001 Two Sum Python Medium
0009 Palindrome Number Python Medium
0013 Roman to Integer Python Easy
0014 Longest Common Prefix Python Easy
0020 Valid Parentheses Python Easy
0024 Swap Nodes in Pairs Python Medium
0026 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Python Easy
0027 Remove Element Go Easy
0054 Spiral Matrix Python Medium
0057 Insert Python Medium
0058 Length of Last Word Python Easy
0059 Spiral Matrix II Python Medium
0066 Plus One Python Easy
0067 Add Binary Python Easy
0079 Word Search Python Medium
0088 Merge Sorted Array Python Easy
0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python Easy
0127 Word Ladder Python Hard
0136 Single Number Python Easy
0137 Single Number II Go Medium
0150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Python Medium
167 CoTwo Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted Python Medium
0175 Combine Two Tables SQL Easy
0181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers SQL Easy
0182 Duplicate Emails SQL Easy
0183 Customers Who Never Order SQL Easy
0191 Number of 1 Bits Python Easy
0202 Happy Number Python Easy
0209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Go Medium
0217 Contains Duplicate Python Go Easy
0234 Palindrome Linked List Python Easy
0242 Valid Anagram Python Easy
0287 Find the Duplicate Number Python Medium
0288 Summary Ranges Python Easy
0344 Reverse String Python Go Easy
0347 Top K Frequent Elements Python Medium
0373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums Python Medium
0389 Is Subsequence Python Easy
0392 Is Subsequence Python Medium
0401 Binary Watch Python Easy
0415 Add Strings Python Easy
0461 Hamming Distance Python Easy
0515 Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Python Medium
0501 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree Python Easy
0525 Contiguous Array Python Medium
0541 Reverse String II Python Easy
0547 Number of Provinces Python Medium
0605 Can Place Flowers Python Easy
0649 Dota2 Senate Python Medium
0703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Python Easy
0705 Design HashSet Python Easy
0714 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Python Medium
0744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target Python Easy
0796 Rotate String Python Easy
0859 Buddy Strings Python Easy
0863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree Python Medium
0938 Range Sum of BST Python Easy
0941 Valid Mountain Array Python Easy
0976 Largest Perimeter Triangle Python Medium
977 Find the Town Judge Python Easy
1027 Longest Arithmetic Subsequence Python Medium
1035 Uncrossed Lines Python Medium
1051 Height Checker Python Easy
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix Python Medium
1146 Snapshot Array Python Medium
1161 Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree Python Medium
1187 Make Array Strictly Increasing Python Hard
1232 Check If It Is a Straight Line Python Easy
1281 Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer Python Medium
1318 Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c Python Medium
1351 Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix Python Medium
1376 Time Needed to Inform All Employees Python Medium
1396 Design Underground System Python Medium
1431 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Python Easy
1441 Build an Array With Stack Operations Python Medium
1456 Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length Python Medium
1491 Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary Python Easy
1492 The kth Factor of n Python Medium
1493 Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element Python Medium
1498 Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition Python Medium
1502 Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence Python Easy
1503 Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank Python Medium
1508 Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums Python Medium
1514 path-with-maximum-probability Python Medium
1523 Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range Python Easy
1544 Make The String Great Python Easy
1547 Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick Python Hard
1569 Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST Python Hard
1572 Matrix Diagonal Sum Python Easy
1601 Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests Go Hard
1603 Design Parking System Python Easy
1614 Design Parking System Python Easy
1629 Slowest Key Python Easy
1700 Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch Python Easy
1732 Find the Highest Altitude Python Easy
1779 Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate Python Easy
1790 Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal Python Easy
1822 Sign of the Product of an Array Python Easy
1897 Sign of the Product of an Array Python Easy
1964 Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position Python Hard
1991 Find the Middle Index in Array Python Easy
2050 Parallel Courses III Python Hard
2101 Detonate the Maximum Bombs Python Medium
2124 Check if All A's Appears Before All B's Python Easy
2130 Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List Python Medium
2140 Solving Questions With Brainpower Python Medium
2169 Count Operations to Obtain Zero Python Easy
2248 Intersection of Multiple Arrays Python Easy
2256 Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree Python Medium
2319 Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix Python Easy
2352 Equal Row and Column Pairs Python Medium
2385 Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected Python Medium
2448 Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal Python Hard
2466 Count Ways To Build Good Strings Python Medium
2486 Append Characters to String to Make Subsequence Go Medium
2542 Maximum Subsequence Score Python Medium
2696 Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings JavaScript Easy
2703 Return Length of Arguments Passed JavaScript Easy
2744 Find Maximum Number of String Pairs JavaScript Easy
2828 Check if a String Is an Acronym of Words Python Easy
2833 Furthest Point From Origin Python Easy
2859 Sum of Values at Indices With K Set Bits Python Easy
3038 Maximum Number of Operations With the Same Score I Python Easy
3099 Harshad Number Python Easy
3110 Score of a String Python Easy
3184 Count Pairs That Form a Complete Day I Python Easy
3185 Count Pairs That Form a Complete Day II Python Medium
3190 Find Minimum Operations to Make All Elements Divisible by Three Python Easy

30 Days of Leetcode Javascript Challenge

Days Title Solution Difficulty
1 Create Hello World Function JS Easy
2 Counter JS Easy
3 Counter II JS Easy
4 Apply Transform Over Each Element in Array JS Easy
5 Filter Elements from Array JS Easy
6 Array Reduce Transformation JS Easy
7 Function Composition JS Easy
8 Allow One Function Call JS Easy
9 Memoize JS Medium
10 Curry JS Medium
11 Sleep JS Easy
12 Promise Time Limit JS Easy
13 Promise Pool JS Medium
14 Cache With Time Limit JS Medium
15 Debounce JS Medium
16 Throttle JS Medium
17 JSON Deep Equal JS Medium
18 Convert Object to JSON String JS Medium
19 Array of Objects to Matrix JS Medium
20 Differences Between Two Objects JS Medium
21 Chunk Array JS Easy
22 Flatten Deeply Nested Array JS Medium
23 Array Prototype Last JS Easy
24 Group By JS Easy
25 Check if Object Instance of Class JS Medium
26 Call Function with Custom Context JS Medium
27 Event Emitter JS Medium
28 Array Wrapper JS Easy
29 Generate Fibonacci Sequence JS Easy


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