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cisstStereoVision tutorial

Anton Deguet edited this page May 7, 2014 · 13 revisions

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


  • Part 1 - Intro to CISST, Subversion, CMake; Creating CISST projects; Intro to Filters and Streams
  • Part 2 - Filters, streams, samples, input/outputs, connections, a couple simple examples
  • Part 3 - Threading recap, available filters, image window event handling, examples
  • Part 4 - Image window event handling, creating custom filters, examples
  • Part 5 - Creating custom filters, multithreading, splitter filter, examples
  • Part 6 - Image overlays, examples


  • cisstStereoVision (SVL) is part of the cisst libraries
  • Object-Oriented (C++) API and component based
  • Optimized for real-time stream (image and other) processing and visualization
  • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), open source (see cisst license)
  • Single interface for accessing a wide variety of video capture and display devices
  • Supports most important image and video file formats
  • Multi-threaded, but keeps coding simple for users
  • Features cross-network live video streaming
  • Several processing functions already implemented
  • Easy to add custom processing
  • Compatible with OpenCV
  • In development: iOS platform support, GPU processing

Processing Architecture

  • Processing elements are called filters
  • Build algorithms by creating a directed graph of filters

SVL streams vs. pipelines: How to achieve low latency?

Processing in SVL is performed in streams instead of pipelines.

  • Pipeline:
  • Each filter has its own thread(s)
  • A data sample can only be processed by one filter at a time
  • Different filters perform processing simultaneously on different data samples
  • Simultaneously running filters have to share CPU resources
  • SVL Streams:
  • A linear chain of connected filters is called a stream, which is managed by the stream manager
  • Filters don't have their own threads, instead a stream manager owns multiple threads
  • The stream manager concentrates all CPU resources on a single filter at a time
  • Once a filter finished processing, the stream manager starts processing the next filter in the graph
  • Comparison:
  • In a graph of parallelized X filters, both the pipeline and the SVL stream perform the same amount of computation in a given amount of time.
  • However the pipeline needs X times more time to process a single sample than the SVL stream, because it processes X samples simultaneously.

Pros and Cons of SVL stream

  • Pros:
  • Lowest possible latency
  • Better L3 cache hit performance because all cores work on the same sample
  • Cons:
  • Individual filters need multi-threaded implementation
  • Threads need to be synchronized after each filter

Data Samples

  • Sample is the unit of data that is passed along in the stream
  • Implemented as C++ classes derived from svlSample base class
  • Samples may carry a variety of payload types (svlSampleImage, svlSampleMatrix, svlSampleText, etc.)
  • Each and every sample is time stamped
  • They have built in serialization & deserialization for easy I/O

Filter Inputs and Outputs

  • Filters have input and output ports
  • Filter graph topology is defined by how the filter inputs and outputs are connected
  • A special class of filters are called source filters, these do not need to have inputs but only outputs
  • Each input and output need to support one or more sample types
  • An output can be connected to an input only if there is a match between their supported sample types
  • Filters are allowed to have any number of inputs and outputs
  • A special filter, called svlFilterSplitter can be used to split any stream to multiple streams
  • There are two mayor type of ports:
  • Synchronous:
  • Can be only one sync input and one sync output on a filter
  • Samples from sync inputs are passed as arguments to the filter's Process method
  • Process method should return the output sample
  • Asynchronous
  • Can push and pull samples on the user's convenience in the Process method


  • Each stream has one or more thread pools

  • A thread pool is a set of threads created and managed by a single controller module

  • The controller is able to assign tasks to individual threads

  • When a thread finishes the execution of the assigned task, the thread pool controller takes control again

  • In cisstStereoVision, the thread pool controllers in streams are called svlStreamManager

  • Threads of the svlStreamManager are synchronized to perform simultaneous processing on filters

  • At any time, each thread is assigned the same task to execute

  • In the source code, tasks are implemented inside a Process() method in every filter

  • Consequently, at any given time, each thread in the thread pool is executing the Process() method of the same filter

  • When all threads finished executing the Process() method, the svlStreamManager instructs the threads to start executing the next filter's Process() method

  • Threads get synchronized between every two filters, so that no thread may run ahead or fall behind the others

  • A stream may have more than one thread pool in it, all of which are controlled by the same svlStreamManager

  • These additional thread pools are created for each async-output to sync-input connections in the stream

  • Threads in different thread pools are not synchronized to each other, therefore stream branches run on their own thread pools independently from other branches

Connection Types

Output Input Thread Control Sample Transfer Efficiency
Sync Sync Same thread pool Sample object pointer Instantaneous
Async Sync Async-output creates new thread pool for the stream branch Sample deposited into the sample buffer of the Async-output Sample is copied into the buffer; Sample processing will start right after the branch finishes processing the current sample
Sync Async Receiving filter already has to have it's own thread pool that is associated to its Sync-input Sample deposited into the sample buffer of the Async-input Sample is copied into the buffer; Sample will get processed next time the receiver filter's Process() method is called
Async Async Both filters already have their thread pools associated to their Sync connections Sample deposited into the sample buffer of the Async-input Sample is copied into the buffer; Sample will get processed next time the receiver filter's Process() method is called


  • Filters are C++ classes derived from svlFilterBase class
  • The '''Filter''' is the unit of processing element in the stream
  • Filters have inputs and outputs
  • Filters have states:
State Description Transition IN Transition OUT
Created Filter object is instantiated Standard C++ object instantiation Standard C++ object deletion
Configured Filter is configured for operation Using the filter's custom API N/A
Connected Filter is connected on it's input(s) and output(s); ready for Initialization svlFilterOutput::Connect() Coming soon
Initialized Filter input/output data samples are initialized; ready to Run StreamManager::Initialize() StreamManager::Release()
Running The filter's Process() method is called for every data sample by the stream manager StreamManager::Play() StreamManager::Stop()

Available Filters (as of 04-18-2011)

Name Description Notes
svlFilterSourceBuffer Source filter proxy; Used to create custom source filters in an application
svlFilterSourceDummy Generates random image noise or puts a still image in the background; Used primarily for testing purposes
svlFilterSourceImageFile Reads sequences of image files
svlFilterSourceTextFile Reads tab or whitespace separated numerical vectors from text files; Supports time synchronization of multiple text file sources
svlFilterSourceVideoCapture Captures video from cameras and frame grabbers
svlFilterSourceVideoFile Reads video files (or streaming video from the network)
svlFilterImageFileWriter Writes image file sequences
svlFilterVideoFileWriter Writes video files (or streams video across the network)
svlFilterImageWindow Creates image windows to display incoming image samples
svlFilterImageWindowTargetSelect Provides an image window where users can select points using the mouse
svlFilterSplitter Splits the stream into multiple branches
svlFilterStreamTypeConverter Converts between different sample types (if possible)
svlFilterComputationalStereo Calculates disparity map from calibrated stereo image stream
svlFilterDisparityMapToSurface Calculates 3D surface mesh from calibrated disparity map
svlFilterImageBlobDetector Detects connected components and labels them; generates list of blobs; filters blobs based on their properties
svlFilterImageBlobTracker Tracks connected components (blobs) on video work-in-progress
svlFilterImageCenterFinder Computes the first order moment of the image and the dimensions of the used (non black) area
svlFilterImageChannelSwapper Converts the color space from XYZ to ZYX
svlFilterImageColorConverter Converts between various color spaces (RGB, HSV, HSL, YUV)
svlFilterImageColorSegmentation Labels image pixels based on their similarity to user-provided colors
svlFilterImageConvolution Performs 2D convolution on images with user-provided kernels
svlFilterImageCropper Crops image area to the user-provided rectangle
svlFilterImageDeinterlacer Attempts to remove interlacing artifacts from images
svlFilterImageDilation Performs morphological dilation
svlFilterImageErosion Performs morphological erosion
svlFilterImageExposureCorrection Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast adjustments
svlFilterImageFlipRotate Flips or rotates images
svlFilterImageOverlay Draws user-specified overlays on top of the image
svlFilterImageRectifier Rectifies calibrated image data
svlFilterImageResizer Performs image resizing
svlFilterImageSampler The application may use this filter to get access to intermediate image data directly from the stream
svlFilterImageThresholding Performs gray level thresholding on the image
svlFilterImageTracker Tracks image patches on video; A few algorithms provided; Custom algorithms may be added by the user; Can enforce 2D rigid body constraints
svlFilterImageTranslation Applies translation to the image plane
svlFilterImageUnsharpMask Performs ''Unsharp-Masking'' (high-pass filtering)
svlFilterImageZoom Magnifies images with respect to a user-provided image center location
svlFilterLightSourceBuddy Device specific filter; Performs color balance correction for programmable light source
svlFilterStereoImageJoiner Converts a stereo image stream into a mono stream by placing the two images side-by-side (other layouts also supported)
svlFilterStereoImageSplitter Opposite of ''svlFilterStereoImageJoiner''; Separates previously joined stereo stream to real stereo stream
svlFilterStereoImageOptimizer Takes a stereo image input and corrects ''right'' channel brightness and color balance to match ''left'' channel
svlFilterToolTracker Detects and tracks the tool-tip and shaft of surgical instrument in the image stream
svlFilterVideoExposureManager Used to control the exposure settings of video capture sources [IEEE1394 (Firewire) cameras]

Displaying Images and Handling User Inputs

The cisstStereoVision library has a built in filter called svlFilterImageWindow to display image data at any given stage of the stream. The image window filter provides a transparent, platform independent abstraction of window management. In order to handle keyboard and mouse inputs inside the image window, the user may register a event handler object to the filter that will receive callbacks upon user events. For more information on the image window filter and user input handling, see the page svlFilterImageWindow.

Implementing Filters

Stream Branches

  • The cisstStereoVision library supports multiple parallel-running stream branches within one stream
  • Branches can be created by any filter by adding asynchronous outputs:
  • Branch is created automatically when the async output gets connected to a sync input
  • If output is connected to an async input, branch is not getting created since there is no direct processing triggered by either connector (see Filter Inputs and Outputs above)
  • The branch root is the asynchronous output from which the branch is originated
  • As the name of the asynchronous output implies, the branch will run in parallel with the parent branch without much synchronization:
  • It has its own thread pool
  • Synchronized to the parent branch only when it finishes processing a sample and requests a new sample from the branch root
  • Built in stream splitter filter is called svlFilterSplitter that can be used to divide any stream into multiple asynchronous streams
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