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cisst libraries and SAW components

Anton Deguet edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 18 revisions

cisst Libraries overview

Library Description Status
cisstCommon Common infrastructure such as logging, class and object registries, serialization and de-serialization, etc. Stable
cisstVector Basic linear algebra and spatial transformations in two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) Stable
cisstNumerical Thread-safe numerical methods (relies on LAPACK) Stable
cisstInteractive C++ classes and Python scripts for the Interactive Research Environment (IRE) Stable
cisstOSAbstraction Operating system services (e.g., threads, mutual exclusion, etc.) for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, RTAI/Linux, ... Stable
cisstMultiTask Component-based framework for defining tasks and devices, provided and required interfaces, and command objects Stable
cisstStereoVision Mono and stereo video acquisition, processing, and display Stable
cisstParameterTypes Standard data types used by command objects in component-based framework Stable
cisstRobot Robot control elements, including cooperative control, trajectory control, etc. Stable
cisst3DUserInterface Support for 3D user interfaces (3D input and 3D display) Obsolete

Most libraries also come with examples and test programs.

SAW components overview

The SAW package currently contains the following implemented components:

Component Description Status
saw3Dconnexion Interface to 3D Connexion Space Navigator 3D mouse Inactive
sawAtracsysFusionTrack Interface to Atracsys fusionTrack Active
sawBarrett Interface to Barrett Technology Whole Arm Manipulator (WAM) robot and components Inactive
sawCANBus Generic Controller Area Network (CAN) bus interfaces Inactive
sawClaronMicronTracker Interface to Claron Technology Micron optical tracking system Active
sawCMUSphinx4 Interface to Sphinx4 speech recognition package Inactive
sawControllers Various control components, including PD (with gravity comp.), PID, teleoperation Active
sawDataPlayer Application to replay recorded multi-media data Inactive
sawForceDimensionSDK Interface to the ForceDimension SDK, supports haptic devices Omega, Sigma and Novint Falcons Active
sawGLUTSimulator GLUT-based simulator (simpler than sawOpenSceneGraph simulator) Inactive
sawIntuitiveDaVinci Interface to da Vinci surgical robot via read-only research interface (requires license and library from Intuitive Surgical) Active
sawIntuitiveResearchKit Components for the da Vinci Research Kit Active
sawJR3ForceSensor Interface to JR3 force sensor using Comedi Inactive
sawKeyboard Keyboard interface (generate commands or events from key presses) Active
sawMedtronicStealthlink Interface to Medtronic Stealthstation via Stealthlink research interface (requires license and library from Medtronic Navigation) Inactive
sawMicroScribeDigitizer Interface to Revware MicroScribe digitizer device (requires Arm32Dll SDK from Revware) Inactive
sawNDITracker Interface to Northern Digital Inc. (NDI) tracking systems that use a serial port; includes Polaris and Aurora Active
sawOpenAL Interface to Open Audio Library Inactive
sawOpenDynamicsEngine Interface to Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) physics-based simulator; requires sawOpenSceneGraph Inactive
sawOpenIGTLink Bridge between ''cisst'' interfaces and OpenIGTLink Active
sawOpenNI Interface to Microsoft Kinect via OpenNI Inactive
sawOpenSceneGraph Interface to Open Scene Graph (OSG) visualization software (used for simulations) Inactive
sawOptoforceSensor Interface to OptoForce force sensors using a serial port over USB Active
sawRobotIO1394 Interface to custom IEEE-1394 (Firewire) motor controller Active
sawSartoriusScale Interface to high-precision scale Active
sawSensablePhantom Interface to Sensable Phantom haptic device (e.g., Phantom Omni) Active
sawSocketStreamer Component to stream data from another component over a socket Active
sawTextToSpeech Component to convert text to speech output (Windows, Linux, Mac) Active
sawTrajectories Various trajectory planners and generators (no hardware dependency) Inactive

cisst libraries description

Following are descriptions of some of the cisst libraries:


(FAQ) Common infrastructure for the rest of the package such as logging, error and exception handling, class and object registries, serialization and de-serialization, ...


(Tutorial, Concepts) cisstVector is a library for basic linear algebra and spatial transformations in two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D). It contains classes for vectors and matrices, whose sizes can be pre-specified (fixed size) or dynamic. All containers can be defined as memory allocating or overlaid. The former provide user control over matrix storage order (row-major or column-major). The latter facilitate wrapping any memory block with a vector or matrix interface, as well as defining slices of existing containers, such as row- and column-vectors in a matrix, or submatrices in a large matrix. The library provides a large collection of algebraic operations (e.g., sums, products, etc.) with uniform interfaces across all container types and efficient implementations, such as template metaprogramming. The structure of the library enables rapid extensions (scalability) across container-element types and container sizes through templated classes, and a simple addition of new methods. The spatial transformations, with generic interfaces, includes a diverse collection of rotation representations, with a uniform syntax for converting from one to another. Besides the broad internal API, the cisstVector library can easily and efficiently interface external software packages, such as LAPACK, VNL and OpenGL, and provides the underlying data types used in the cisstNumerical library. The interfaces can also be exported to a Python environment through Swig wrapping -- typemaps are used to convert between cisstVector vector/matrix types and standard Python numpy arrays.


(Tutorial) cisstNumerical is a library of numerical routines. The majority of cisstNumerical features rely on well established and tested routines, written in Fortran (such as Singular Value Decomposition, LU decomposition, LU based matrix inverse, Hanson and Haskell least squares with or without constraints...). cisstNumerical adds a user-friendly C++ interface based on the cisstVector fixed size and dynamic vectors and matrices. While this interface greatly eases the task of a novice user, it retains the flexibility required for advanced users by allowing them to overlay their input over pre-allocated memory. Furthermore, the cisstNumerical wrappers ensure that the format of the input is correct (size, storage order and compactness), and, whenever possible, enable the use of any storage order (either Fortran-like column major or C-like row major). Finally, since cisstNumerical uses LAPACK3E, it is thread safe as opposed to most libraries based on LAPACK or CLAPACK. Besides the Fortran wrappers, cisstNumerical contains some optimized functions for specific cases (such as Gauss-Jordan inverse of small fixed size matrices) and some basic algebraic utilities (test orthonormality).


C++ classes and Python scripts for the cisst Interactive Research Environment (IRE).


Wrappers for Operating System services such as threads, mutual exclusion, time, dynamic loading, ...


(Tutorial, Concepts) cisstMultiTask supports multi-threaded programming with efficient, lock-free, and thread-safe data exchange. The task class contains a (periodic) thread, state table, and mechanisms for interaction. The design utilizes component-based software engineering concepts, where all interaction occur via interfaces. Each interface contains multiple commands that implement the functionalities provided by that interface.

SAW components description

SAW components can be:

  • wrappers for existing devices (e.g. haptic device, 3D tracker, IMU, robot...)
  • wrappers for communication libraries (e.g. ROS, OpenIGTLink...)
  • logic components, e.g. low level controllers like PID

A SAW component is derived from mtsComponent and is defined by its interfaces, both provided and required. See cisstMultiTask tutorial and concepts.

A well defined component can be:

To make sure components are inter-changeable, interfaces should be as standardized as possible and follow the CRTK API.


Components are separated in different git repositories (see Each repository will contain the following directories:

  • component: this is the main directory for the component's code. The directory itself should have the following sub-directories:
    • include/<component_name>: component's declaration files, i.e. headers (.h)
    • code: component's implementation files (.c, .cpp)
  • share (optional): examples of data or configurations files for the components
  • applications (optional): applications using or related to the component
  • examples (optional): examples using the component, usually just used to test or demonstrate the component's features
  • ros (optional): ROS 1 node for the component
  • igtl (optional): OpenIGTLink based server to communicate with the component (using sawOpenIGTLink)
  • tests (optional): CppUnit based unit tests (see cisst unit tests)

Using a SAW component

SAW components are all using cisstMultiTask interfaces. They need to be connected to other components, for example a top level component or application component. Such component can just be a GUI component. Many of the SAW components come with a simple example (see examples directory in the component's repository), usually just the device component and a GUI component (using Qt).

Some components also have a ROS and/or OpenIGTLink "bridge". These executables usually instantiate a device component and connect it to a bridge. The bridge function is to send and convert data back and forth between the device's component and the corresponding middleware (i.e., ROS topics/services/tf2 or igtl sockets). Your application can then communicate with the device using the middleware and doesn't require to be compiled and linked against cisst/SAW.

Components can also be dynamically loaded and connected. There are two main ways to do this:

C++ dynamic loading

You can use the mtsComponentManager to load the component's shared library, dynamically create and configure an instance of the component's class and finally connect it to other components. The can also be performed using a JSON configuration file. The following example can be found in sawSensablePhantom/share/igtl. The file manager-igtl-default.json contains the name of the shared library to load, the class name and parameter to use when instantiating the class (i.e., constructor parameter):

            "shared-library": "sawOpenIGTLink",
            "class-name": "mtsIGTLCRTKBridge",
            "constructor-arg": {
                "Name": "igtlBridge",
                "Period": 0.01
            "configure-parameter": "igtl-default.json"

The last parameter (configure-parameter) is the file used to configure the bridge. In this case, we are creating an OpenIGTLBridge for our device, a Sensable Phantom haptic device. Once the components are connected, the cisst/SAW program will be able to send data and receive commands over OpenIGTLink (mostly likely with Slicer). The configuration file format depends on the SAW component (see igtl-default.json in sawSensablePhatom/share)


Using the cisst Python wrappers, it is also possible to dynamically load the component's library, and create and configure an instance of the component. Once the component is created, you can then create a Python proxy (acts like a bridge). The proxy will be created with an interface (required interface) that will match the component's interface (provided interface). Once the proxy is connected to the device's component, you can use Python to receive data and send commands to the device. You can find a cisstMultiTask Python example in sawNDITracker/examples/ The main commands used are:

  • services.Load: load the component's shared library
  • services.ComponentCreate: dynamically create the component
  • component.Configure: configure the component
  • controller = proxy.AddInterfaceRequiredAndConnect: create the matching interface and connect it. Once this is done, the Python object controller can use the commands provided by the device's component (in this example, Connect, Beep, ToggleTracking...)
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