This is an easy to use, very quick starting point for those wanting to test out using a Jenkins Continuous Integration Server in your PHP app development life-cycle.
Simply clone this repository, navigate to the root directory and issue 'vagrant up' from the command line. The initial provisioning of the virtual machine can take in excess of 10 minutes or longer depending on your internet connection & computer's specs but rest easy knowing that the virtual machine only needs to be provisioned once. It'll quickly turn on 'Vagrant up' and off 'vagrant halt' after the initial setup is complete.
git clone
cd jenkins_php_vagrant
vagrant up
Then simply access your local Jenkins continuous integration virtual machine with a web browser ( or (http://localhost:8001)
You must have the following software installed in order for this to work.
This VM is based on a Debian Wheezy 7.2 x64 box furnished by along with the original vagrant+puppet scripts.
- Vim
- Screen
- zsh
- Ant
- Git
- Jenkins
- Checkstyle plugin
- Clover php plugin
- DRY plugin
- Html Publisher plugin
- JDepend plugin
- Plot plugin
- PMD plugin
- Violations plugin
- XUnit plugin
- PHP plugin
- Git plugin
- Dashboard-View Plugin
- Build-Pipeline Plugin
- PHP 5.5
- intl
- cli
- mcrypt
- curl
- memcache
- memcached
- imagick
- xsl
- Apache (Port 80)
- ReWrite
- Composer
- PHP Unit
- PHP Code Sniffer
- PHP Documentor
- Phing
- PHPLoc
- PHP Mess Detector
- PDepend
- PHP Copy/Paste Detector
- PHPDox
- fDOMDocument
- DBUnit
- Pecl
- Pecl_http