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TailwindCSS Toast Notifications and Provider for React Applications

A simple way to set up Toast notifications in your React projects when you are using Tailwind CSS.

DEMO on StackBlitz


Make sure you have TailwindCSS setup in your project

npm install tw-noti


  • Import the ToastProvider and use it to wrap your application:
import { ToastProvider } from 'tw-noti';

export default function App() {
  return (
        containerClasses='right-12 bottom-12'
        <Child />
  • In a child component, import the useToast hook and use it to either enqueue or dequeue your Toast notification:
import { useToast } from 'tw-noti';

const Child = () => {
  // Initialize the hook:
  const { enqueueToast } = useToast();

  const handleClick = () => {
    // Pass your message and the type of Toast you would like to display:
    enqueueToast({ content: 'This is a notification', type: 'success' });

  return (
    <div class='container' style={{ width: '80 %', margin: '0 auto' }}>
        className='text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-4 focus:ring-blue-300 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 mr-2 mb-2 dark:bg-blue-600 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-blue-800'
        Show a toast!

export default Child;



The ToastProvider houses the ToastContainer and the Toaster.maxToasts

Prop type default description
maxToasts number 3 Number of toasts that can be displayed at one time
reverseStackOrder boolean false If true, reverses the order in which Toasts are rendered
persist boolean false If false, toasts will be dismissed after timeout
timeout number 3000 If persist set to false, amount of time (ms) Toasts wait before automatically dismissing
buttonClasses string 'h-8 w-8 ml-auto -mx-1.5 -my-1.5 rounded-lg focus:ring-2 focus:ring-gray-300 p-1.5 inline-flex dark:text-gray-500 text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-white hover:text-gray-900 dark:bg-gray-800 bg-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-100' Accepts Tailwind classes to override default Toast action button styles
containerClasses string 'absolute bottom-12 left-12' Accepts Tailwind classes to override default Toast container styles
iconClasses Theme['icon']['classes'] See Theme Accepts Tailwind classes to override default Toast icon styles
layoutClasses string 'animate-fade-down animate-ease-in-out flex items-center w-full max-w-xs p-4 rounded-lg shadow dark:bg-gray-800 bg-white dark:text-gray-400 text-gray-500' Accepts Tailwind classes to override default Toast layout styles
messageClasses string 'ml-3 text-sm font-normal' Accepts Tailwind classes to override default Toast message styles



useToast is a React hook that provides access to the ToastContext and its associated props.


import { useToast } from './useToast';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const toastContext = useToast();
  // ...




Returns the ToastContextProps associated with the ToastContext.

interface ToastContextProps {
  reverseStackOrder: boolean;
  theme: Theme;
  toasts: Toast[];
  enqueueToast: ({ content, type }: { content: string; type: string }) => void;
  dequeueToast: (id: number) => void;


If useToast is used outside of a ToastProvider, an error will be thrown.

Default Toast Variants

Type Description
info Blue - Used for general notifications, alerts, and messages
success Green - Used for success messages
error Red - Used for errors, access denied messages, and other bad stuff
warning Orange - Used for warning messages or things the user must pay attention to


To override the default styling, you can apply Tailwind CSS classes to the ToastProvider component via its various props.


  • Position the notifications in the bottom-right corner:
<ToastProvider containerClasses='right-12 bottom-12'>
  <Child />
  • Change the layout background color and change the text color:
  <Child />
  • Customize the close button:
<ToastProvider buttonClasses='dark:bg-white'>
  <Child />
  • Edit the icon:
    info: { altText: 'Green Icon', classes: 'dark:bg-orange-500' },
    error: { altText: 'Teal Icon', classes: 'dark:bg-teal-500' }
  <Child />

Default Theme

  • ButtonClasses: 'h-8 w-8 ml-auto -mx-1.5 -my-1.5 rounded-lg focus:ring-2 focus:ring-gray-300 p-1.5 inline-flex dark:text-gray-500 text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-white hover:text-gray-900 dark:bg-gray-800 bg-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-100'
  • ContainerClasses: 'absolute bottom-12 left-12'
  • LayoutClasses: 'animate-fade-down animate-ease-in-out flex items-center w-full max-w-xs p-4 rounded-lg shadow dark:bg-gray-800 bg-white dark:text-gray-400 text-gray-500'
  • MessageClasses: 'ml-3 text-sm'
  • IconClasses:
  error: {
    altText: 'Big X icon',
    classes: 'h-8 w-8 inline-flex items-center justify-center flex-shrink-0 rounded-lg dark:text-red-200 text-red-500 dark:bg-red-800 bg-red-100',
  info: {
    altText: 'Info Circle icon',
    classes: 'h-8 w-8 inline-flex items-center justify-center flex-shrink-0 rounded-lg dark:text-blue-200 text-blue-500 dark:bg-blue-800 bg-blue-100',
  success: {
    altText: 'Checkmark icon',
    classes: 'h-8 w-8 inline-flex items-center justify-center flex-shrink-0 rounded-lg dark:text-green-200 text-green-500 dark:bg-green-800 bg-green-100',
  warning: {
    altText: 'Warning icon',
    classes: 'h-8 w-8 inline-flex items-center justify-center flex-shrink-0 rounded-lg dark:text-orange-200 text-orange-500 dark:bg-orange-800 bg-orange-100',


interface Theme {
  button: { classes: string };
  container: { classes: string };
  icon: {
    classes: {
      [key: string]: {
        altText: string,
        classes: string
  layout: { classes: string };
  message: { classes: string };

Toaster Component Reference

<ToastContainer containerClasses=''>
  { => (
    <ToastLayout layoutClasses=''>
      <ToastIcon iconClasses='' />
      <ToastMessage messageClasses='' />
      <ToastActionBtn buttonClasses='' />


If you encounter any issues or bugs while using the tw-noti package, please feel free to open an issue ticket on our GitHub Issues page.

When opening an issue, please provide as much detail as possible, including:

  • A clear and descriptive title.
  • A detailed description of the problem.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Code snippets or screenshots that might help to understand and resolve the issue.
  • The version of tw-noti and any other relevant information about your environment.

This will help us to address your issue more quickly and effectively.


We welcome contributions to the tw-noti package! If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  • Fork the repository on GitHub.
  • Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your feature or fix (e.g., feature/add-new-toast-type or bugfix/fix-toast-timing).
  • Make your changes in your branch.
  • Ensure your code follows our coding standards and includes appropriate tests.
  • Commit your changes and push your branch to your forked repository.
  • Open a pull request to the main branch of the original repository.
  • In your pull request, please include:
    • A clear and descriptive title.
    • A detailed description of the changes you have made.
    • Any relevant issues that are addressed by your changes.

We will review your pull request as soon as possible and provide feedback. Thank you for contributing to tw-noti!


Tailwind CSS Toast Notifications and Provider






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