CIS444_Project: Cougar Rescue Forum
Group Members: Bartholomew Falzarano, Bradley Stukas, James Hanlon, Jason Luu, Mhealyssah Bustria, Shane Ghuste, Suchi Kapur
Executive Summary: College classes often get hard and students might not be able to find the right venue for help. As college students have limited time between classes, work, and balancing their daily lives, it is more important than ever to have a designated space to post a question and get feedback. This is what the Cougar Rescue Forum intends to do for students at California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM). Rather than looking online for an hour, students are able to post their questions to the related course’s forum. The Cougar Rescue Forum allows students to get the necessary help from their classmates, promotes discussion and learning, and increases student productivity overall. This repository contains all project code, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.