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Modern app boilerplate

This is a worked example of a production-ready full-stack web app.

Major bits:

  • React for UI
  • Next.js for rendering, routing, API routes and bundling code
  • Prisma for talking to a PostgreSQL database

Other bits:

It contains a basic "post" model. Users can view a list of posts and click on one to see it in detail.

After logging in, users can also create, edit and delete posts.

🐒 Getting started

You need Node.js and NPM installed, along with a PostgreSQL database.

npx create-next-app -e

This will clone the repo and install the dependencies with create-next-app.

You can apply the schema to a fresh database with npm run db:schema:load and seed it with npm run db:seed.

You can then boot it up with npm run dev. It will be on localhost:3000/posts

🧪 Testing

You can run the Jest unit tests with npm test.

Cypress end-to-end tests can be run with npm run cypress, provided a local server is already running.

🧬 Configuration

It needs a few configuration variables to work.

You can supply these with a .env file locally. Run cp .env.sample .env to make a fresh one.

🦴 Anatomy

It follows the example of Rails - with MVC and CRUD patterns that should seem familiar.

  • prisma contains the database schema and seed data
  • pages/api contains API routes that overlap closely with Rails controller actions
  • The remainder of pages contains React/Next.js views

Other directories:

  • components contains reusable React components
  • cypress contains integration tests, their config and fixtures
  • lib contains everything else

To do

Need to add examples for:

  1. Flash messages. Is this a good pattern to continue with? Would toast messages be a better fit?
  2. Background job queue, maybe with BullMQ


A modern app boilerplate inspired by Rails




