This application is part of the lab project for the course unit of LAPR4/EAPLI/SCOMP/RCOMP/LPROG.
Parts of the application were developed to show specific approaches or techniques; as such, the overall application is not consistent in terms of design. for production ready code this would obviously be a problem as we should strive for consistency. In this case, it is acceptable as the inconsistencies are meant to provide samples of different valid approaches.
Planning and Technical Documentation
Make sure Maven is installed and on the PATH.
The java source is Java 1.8+ so any JDK 1.8 or later will work. However, in order to generate the javadoc and UML diagrams the JDK version must be strictly 1.8.
run script
make sure a JRE is installed and on the PATH
first run bootstrap if needed
run script
first cd into the appropriate location using
cd "path of repository"
finally clone the project using the command
git clone
To generate plantuml diagrams for documentation execute the script (for the moment, only for linux/unix/macos):