Recipe Wizard
A playground app to learn more about various technologies in the python ecosystem. Should help meal planning, grocery list generation, and recipe management.
Things to do:
[x] Build out basic endpoints to create, read, update, and delete recipes
[x] Complete first rev of frontend views for above functionality
[x] Write "happy" tests for basic endpoints
[ ] Write "happy" tests for basic frontend views
[x] Make the frontend views less horrifically ugly - probs incorporate css framework
- [x] Main/index page
- [x] Edit page -- make delete form a little trashcan icon and move it to index page
- [x] Create page
[ ] Add logging to existing codebase
[ ] Incorporate an authentication & authorization solution
[ ] Prototype a noSQL implementation
[ ] Choose noSQL or sqlalchemy
- [ ] if sqlalchemy is chosen, write logic that efficiently compares an object with a submitted updated object
[ ] CAPABILITY | Search for recipe by ingredient(s), rating, name
[ ] Think through best way to allow recipe organization (e.g. cuisine, "cookbooks", generic tags, etc.)
[ ] CAPABILITY | Plan meals - assignment of recipes to specific days
- [ ] Implement a calendar view w/ an ability to allocate recipes to days
- [ ] Update backend models to include a meal_plan structure
[ ] CAPABILITY | Export grocery list based on meal plan
[x] Mature model for ingredients. That should be a list, not long strings with comma separation
[ ] Deployable as docker container
[ ] Deploy to AWS, google cloud, or linode
[ ] Integrate terraform
[ ] Do a quick analysis of website against OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities
[ ] Default textarea html control does not support line breaks. Need to figure out how to best support that.