Npm package that interfaces with the forbes400 api and returns a list of the world richest people
npm install forbes-list --save
Install and require the library to begin
const forbes = require('forbes-list')
Options | Type | Value(s) | Default | Description |
{null} | null | null | Retrieves and returns a lis of all billionaires | |
limit | {Number} or {String} | Any valid integer | 2153 | Limits the length of the returning array |
filter | {String} | youngest , oldest , women or female , men or male , real-time |
null | Filters down the list based on the parameters passed down |
filter | {Object} | Any valid american state i.e state: 'texas' |
null | Any valid state in the usa |
filter | {Object} | Any valid industry i.e industry: 'technology' , valid indusries: technology , fashion , finance , investments etc.. |
null | Valid industries include technology, fashion, finance, investments etc.. |
[{ position: 1,
rank: 1,
name: 'Jeff Bezos',
lastName: 'Bezos',
uri: 'jeff-bezos',
imageUri: 'jeff-bezos',
worth: 131000,
worthChange: 1342.991,
age: 55,
source: 'Amazon',
industry: 'Technology',
gender: 'M',
country: 'United States',
title: 'CEO and Founder, Amazon',
timestamp: 1552490101279,
headquarters: 'WA',
state: 'Washington',
realTimeWorth: 139428.694,
realTimeRank: 1,
realTimePosition: 1,
government: false,
squareImage: '//' }]
const forbes = require('forbes-list')
forbes.list().then(response => {
const forbes = require('forbes-list')
forbes.list({ limit: 5 }).then(response => {
const forbes = require('forbes-list')
forbes.list({ limit: 5, filter: 'real-time' }).then(response => {
const forbes = require('forbes-list')
forbes.list({ limit: 5, filter: { state: 'texas' } }).then(response => {
const forbes = require('forbes-list')
forbes.list({ limit: 5, filter: { industry: 'fashion' } }).then(response => {
- axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- forbesApi - JSON Api Of The Forbes 400 Richest People List
- Jesse Okeya - Initial work - website
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details