An AI chatbot powered by OpenAI's GPT natural language model. Logo inspired by early 2000's internet search legend Ask Jeeves.
Link to project:
Tech used: Node, React, Next.js
Starting with the openai-quickstart-node repo, I followed the docs for getting the app running properly. Once I felt comfortable understanding what was happening in the codebase, I began tweaking the parameters on the API request to see how it affects the output. Since the original code was for a superhero pet name generator, the API was being queried to specifically return exactly three superhero pet names. I swapped that out to instead return the response to whatever the user inputs. Then I set max_tokens: 3000
to allow the API to respond with enough characters to show complete responses - otherwise, most responses would get cut off mid sentence due to the token limit.
I kept the frontend super simple on purpose, but I would like to experiment with it more to make sure it's optimized for all devices. I would also like to try implementing some other cababilities that come with the API such as image generation and code completion.
The most important takeaway I got from this project is to always read the docs! I spent way too much time googling API requests and browsing stack overflow threads when all of the information I needed was laid out perfectly in the docs.