This project is currently under heavy development. It will likely change drastically over the coming weeks.
The goal of this project is to be a rough guide/example on how to use Chef to manage your ArchLinux workstation. Many cookbooks have been created in order to faciliate this endeaver.
- pacman - Provides pacman and AUR LWRPs
- arch_workstation - facilitates package installation and prep
- grub - Sets up grub for ArchLinux
The rough concept:
- Create a wrapper cookbook (like this repo)
- Throw the ArchLinux ISO on a USB stick and boot it up
- Setup disks and partitions and mount them to /mnt
- Snag a crafted script (see one in this repo) with wget and run it
This will pacstrap the system, install ruby + chef+ git, and then run your wrapper cookbook and set your system up.