Author: Jerry Xia
Date: 2018/07/27
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This is a research survey about alpha trading. In this project, I built up a pipeline of alpha trading including:
- factor pretest
- factor screening
- factor combination (modeling)
The models involed are APT models, Barra's risk models and dynamic factors model using Kalman filter.
- Utils dealing with the rice quant platform data
Step1_FactorPretest.ipynb: Factor returns profile visulization
Step2_FactorsScreening.ipynb: Factor returns turnover visulization and correlation coefficients
Step3_FactorCombination_AdaBoost_Quantopian.ipynb: A Quantopian notebook file to combine alpha factors using Adaboost
Step3_FactorCombination_BarraKalmanFilter.ipynb: Barra's risk model with three calibration schemes:
- Scheme 1: Cross-sectional regression and weighted average
- Scheme 2: Optimization problem: minimize the exponential weighted average of squared error
- Scheme 3: Dynamic linear model using Kalman filter
KalmanFilterIntro.ipynb: An introduction to the dynamic multi-factor model
APT_FammaBeth.ipynb: Using Famma-Macbeth regression to calibrate APT model.
The dataset is not available in GitHub as it is too large. Except for Step3_FactorCombination_AdaBoost_Quantopian.ipynb which we used US stock data in Quantopian, among other files, we used Chinese A-stocks data downloaded from RiceQuant instead (hard for free US equities' data).
The data frame is multi-indexed similar to Quantopian's format(see both Alphalens github codes and However, feel free to cast and apply your own dataset.
- Input more effective factors: take advice from people and industry reports
- Should add technical analysis, because it matters! People care about them and then make it good sentimental indexes.
- Find well-known metrics to express results
Universe definition
Factors collection and preprocessing
- $\vartriangle$Factors collection
- Sources
- balance sheet
- cash flow statement
- income statement
- earning report
- Econometric Classifications
- value
- growth
- profitability
- market size
- liquidity
- volatility
- Momentom
- Financial leverage (debt-to-equity ratio)
- Sources
- Factors preprocessing
- $\vartriangle$daily, quaterly, annually
- continuous: rescale, outliers
- $\checkmark$discrete: rank
- $\vartriangle$Factors collection
Factors screening and combination
- Factors screening
- $\checkmark$Factors' correlation
- $\checkmark$Factors' foreseeablity
- Fama-Macbeth regression
- $\vartriangle$Factors combination
- Techniqual Analaysis
- Financial Modeling
- $\checkmark$APT model
- $\checkmark$Barra's risk model
- $\checkmark$Dynamic multi-factors model
- Linear combination to maximize Sharpe ratio
- Non-linear learning algorithms
- $\checkmark$AdaBoost
- Reinforcement learning
- Factors screening
Portfolio allocation
Here, I use correlation matrix as the measure. The difference from the second result is that the correlation matrix is calculated by the rank data rather than the raw data
Pearson's IC: measures linear relationship between components
Spearman's IC: measures monotonic relationship between components. Since We only care about the monotonic relationships. Spearman's IC wins.
From the correlation coefficients below, we can again conclude that Spearman's rank IC is far more robust. Take ps_ratio and sales_yield as a example.
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficients
- Fama-Macbeth regression: Not only consider the foreseeability of factors itself but also consider the co-vary of different factors, which means rule out factors if the returns can be explained by the recent factors.
- Get ranked data
- Obtain the valid stocks set
- Reshape the data: only valid stocks set
- Fill null: using daily average
- Rescale the data: MinMaxScaler
- Variable reduction: PCA analysis
- Sanity check
Here, I use principle component analysis because it can brings two benefits to our data - orthogonality and dimensionality reduction. Orthogonality makes data more separate, less dimensionality makes information more concentrated. Either of them is essential for machine learning algorithms.
In the next part, I used this preprocessed data as the input to obtain a "mega alpha".
construct an aggregate alpha factor which has its return distribution profitable. The term "profitable" here means condense, little turnover, significant in the positive return.
- normalize factors and try a linear combination
- rank each factor and then sum up
- Financial modeling: See the appendix and Step3_FactorCombination_BarraKalmanFilter.ipynb
- linear combination to maximize Sharpe ratio
- AdaBoost: See Step3_FactorCombination_AdaBoost_Quantopian.ipynb
- Reinforement Learning
Here we only introduce AdaBoost algorithm in this documentation. For more details about the linear models, please See the appendix and Step3_FactorCombination_BarraKalmanFilter.ipynb.
The algorithm sequentially applies a weak classification to modified versions of the data. By increasing the weights of the missclassified observations, each weak learner focuses on the error of the previous one. The predictions are aggregated through a weighted majority vote.
The adaboost classifier was applied to our fundamental dataset. The objective is to train a classifier which give a score for the bunch of factors. Or in other word, the mega alpha. Pink for the positive forward returns observations and blue for the negative forward returns observations. A good score system is to make the two classes more separated.
We can see, in train set, AdaBoost classifier did so well! The next plot is the precision in each quantile of scores. In the top and bottom quantile, the predicted precision is nearly 100%!
alpha values histogram
quantile precision bar plot
The precision in the top and bottom quantile is only slightly higher than 50%. Far from good if we considered transaction cost.
So, I added some technical analysis factors to see if we can tackle this problem.
Surprisingly, even the average accuracy in test set is about 67%. What if we only trade the extreme quantile? That is around 80% accuracy! It literally shows that technical factors are really important in US stock market and can be used to find arbitrage opportunity.
- Jonathan Larkin, A Professional Quant Equity Workflow. August 31, 2016
- A Practitioner‘s Guide to Factor Models. The Research Foundation of The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts
- Thomas Wiecki, Machine Learning on Quantopian
- Inigo Fraser Jenkins, Using factors with different alpha decay times: The case for non-linear combination
- PNC, Factor Analysis: What Drives Performance?
- O’Shaughnessy, Alpha or Assets? — Factor Alpha vs. Smart Beta. April 2016
- O’Shaughnessy Quarterly Investor Letter Q1 2018
- Jiantao Zhu, Orient Securities, Alpha Forecasting - Factor-Based Strategy Research Series 13
- Yang Song, Bohai Securities, Multi-Factor Models Research: Single Factor Testing, 2017/10/11
- Author: Markovitz(1959)
- single-factor:
- explain: security returns
- Author: Stephen A. Ross(1976)
- multi-factor
- explain: security returns
- The linear model
$$r_i(t) - \alpha_i = \sum_{k=1}^K \beta_{ik} \cdot f_k(t) + \epsilon_i(t)$$
- No pure arbitrage profit
Exposure of each security on each factor
Risk premium on each factor $$(Mean[r_i(t)])i = P_0 + \sum{k=1}^K \beta_{ik} \cdot P_k$$ or make
$\beta_{0,k}$ equals 1 for each k, $$(Mean[r_i(t)])i = \sum{k=0}^K \bar{\beta}_{i,k} \cdot P_k$$ where$P_0$ is the risk free return -
Portfolio exposure to each factor
$$Portfolio_{it} = \beta_0 + \beta_k \cdot f_{kit}$$
statistical techniques such as factor analysis, principle analysis
- Goodness: good for determining the number of relevent risk factors
- Undesirable: hard to interpret
portfolios: K different well-diversified portfolios as substitutions
- Goodness: lead to insights
- Fama-Macbeth regression
economic theory (highly developed art)
- Goodness: Intuitively appealing set of factors that admit economic interpretation of risk exposures
- Goodness: Using economic information in addition to stock return. Avoid using stock return to explain stock return
- factors:
- confidence risk
- time horizon risk
- inflation risk
- bussiness cycle risk
- market-timing risk
The simplicity of APT framework is a great virtue. It is helpful to understand the true sources of stock returns. The basic APT model can be enhanced in many ways.
- Allow risk prices
$P_k$ to vary over time - Allow risk exposures
$\beta_{i,k}$ to vary over time - Use Bayesian mothods to produce optimal out-of-sample forcasts for the risk exposures and hence for the expected returns
- Introduce additional factor with zero-risk prices. Although do not contribute to expected return, help to explain the volatility.
Using historical return extract the factors
Either exposure or factor return can be asserted on a priori grounds with the other identified empirically, or both can be identified empirically.
- Have f(indexes) represents separate influence
- The structure must be parsimonious: the returns can be described in terms of limited indexes
Let the data design the model
- Factor Analysis: better in heteroscedastic series
- The Choice of Data: Individul stocks vs portfolio
- The number of Index:
- Stactical techniques: Factor analysis, PCA
- Common sense and economic significance play a major role in deciding on the number of factors
- The nonuniqueness of Factors: The researcher should realize the resulting structure is not unique. Some researchers will examine alternative structures in an atempt to understand what influences are affecting security returns and to convince themself the overall separation make an intuitive sense
- Computational Problems:
- Roll and Ross: Multisample approach
- Chen: Portfolio approach
Identify the Indexes set
Determine the number of factors: PCA / Factor Analysis
- Single-group tests for each sample
- Factor Analysis on return-generating process
- Criteria: Chi2, AIC, BIC
- Multiple-group tests for all stocks
Canonical Correlation (CCA):
take two sets of variables and see what is common amongst the two sets (can be two noncorresponding variables either on index or dimension)
$$X_{N \times K}, Y_{N \times K^{\prime}}$$ $$\mbox{x_weights}{K,n}$$ $$\mbox{y_weights}{K^{\prime},n}$$ Use CCA / PLS: $$\mbox{X_score}{N\times n} = \mbox{Normalized}[X]{N \times K} \mbox{x_weights}_{K,n}$$$$\mbox{Y_score}{N\times n} = \mbox{Normalized}[Y]{N \times K^{\prime}} \mbox{y_weights}_{K^{\prime},n}$$
Determin the number:
- r-value for
$n=10$ - correlation matrix pattern for each number of components:
$n \times n$ for$n=1,\cdots,10$
- r-value for
- Single-group tests for each sample
Generate Factors
Calibrate sensitivities:
- Portfolio exposure to each factor
$Adjusted R^2$ (Should be stable) - Explanatory power: Compare these results with those for the single-index model (Should depend on the market cap)
Explanatory Power of the Model for Each Stock: R2>0.7 excellent
- Goodness: simultaneously estimate the indexes and sensitivities in a multi-index model
- Defect: Data Minning: Using return to explain return
The risk structure
A portfolio described by an N-element vector
- portfolio exposure:
$x_p = X^T h_p$ - portfolio variance:
$\sigma_p^2 = x_p^T F x_p + h_p^T \Delta h_p = h_p^T V h_p$ - Marginal Contribution for Total Risk
$$MCTR = \frac{V h_p}{\sigma_p}$$ - Risk-adjusted expected return:
$$U = h_p^T r_p - \lambda\cdot h_p^T V h_p$$
- External influences --> BARRA Model
- Return in bond market (bond beta)
- Unexpected changes in inflation
- Change in oil price
- Change in exchange rate
- Cross-sectional comparisons
- Fundamental
- Market
- volatility
- price
- share turnover
- Purely internal or statistical factors
- see multi-index model
- Industry Exposures
- 1/0 variable
- Risk Index Exposures
- Volatility: beta, daily return vol, option implied vol
- Momentum
- Size
- Liquidity
- Growth
- Value(Fundamentals)
- Earning volatility
- Financial leverage: debt-to-equity ratios
- Rescale the Exposures
- Regress the Factor Returns Against Exposures via Cross-sectional Regression
$$f = (X^T W X)^{-1} (X^T W r)\ = \sum_{i=1}^N C_{k,i} r_i$$ Here factor return can be interpreted as the return to a portfolio with weights$C_{k,i}$ . So factor returns are the returns to factor portfolios. This portfolio has unit exposure to the particular factor - Factor Covariance and Specific
- Stock returns
- Factor exposures
- Stock dividends, splits, and other adjustment
Model Setting:
- 50 factors
- 1000 assets
$R^2$ : 30-40%. It can vary quite significantly from month to month. And depends on the market return level. - root mean square error: 6% roughly against 10% volatility
- Portfolio Risk
- Expain the portfolio risk
- Forecast variances and covariances of factors and specific returns
- Providing incisive, intuitive and interesting risk analysis
You can think of this as slicing through the other direction from the APT analysis, as now the factor returns are unknowns to be solved for, whereas originally the coefficients b were the unknowns. Another way to think about it is that you're determining how predictive of returns the factor was on that day, and therefore how much return you could have squeezed out of that factor.