Bringing the power of the C++ standard library to the JavaScript
The JavaScript standard library only contain Number, String, Boolean, Date, Regex, Array and Object. JavaScript application becoming bigger and bigger the JStd intent to bring useful tool for creating more complete and powerful application.
Event if JStd mostly try to copy the C++ standard library, some missing feature from C++ such as operator overloading force JStd to change some of the API specification.
Just download the release JavaScript file jstd.js and copy it in your application folder.
jstd = require('jstd.js');
* obj1.operator==(obj2) ---> obj1.eq(obj2)
* obj1.operator!=(obj2) ---> obj1.neq(obj2)
* obj1.operator<(obj2) --->
* obj1.operator>(obj2) --->
* obj1.operator<=(obj2) ---> obj1.lte(obj2)
* obj1.operator>=(obj2) ---> obj1.gte(obj2)
* obj1 = obj2 ---> obj1.copy(obj2)
* obj1(obj2) ---> obj1 = obj2.clone()
* obj1(param) --->
* obj3 = obj1 + obj2 ---> obj3 = obj1.add(abj2)
* obj3 = obj1 - obj2 ---> obj3 = obj1.sub(abj2)
* *obj1 ---> obj1.get()
* *obj1 = 42 ---> obj1.set(42)
* obj1[4] ---> obj1.get(4)
* obj1[4] = 2 ---> obj1.set(4, 2)
JStd declare some base exception type.
- exception
- logic_error
- out_of_range
- not_implemented
- logic_error
One of the most powerful tools of the C++ library are the iterators.
Here an example of iterator working
var container = new jstd.vector()
* Filling the container
var it = container.begin()
while (it.neq(container.end()))
Difference between C++ and JStd
*it ---> it.get()
*it = 42 ---> it.set(42)
it++ --->
it-- ---> it.sub()
it2 = it + 2 ---> it2 = it.add(2)
it2 = it - 2 ---> it2 = it.sub(2)
This class allows some algorithm such as copy to insert in a container instead of overwriting existing content.
Here an example
var list = jstd.list()
//Filling the list
var vector = jstd.vector()
var it = jstl.inserter(vector, vector.begin())
jstl.copy(list.begin(), list.end(), it) //Insert the contents of the list in the vector without overwriting the content.
This iterator allows some algorithm such as copy to push_back data in a container instead of overwriting existing content.
see example for inserter_iterator
This iterator allows some algorithm such as copy to push_front data in a container instead of overwriting existing content.
see example for inserter_iterator
Advances the iterator i by n elements
jstl.advance(iterator i, number n)
Calculates the number of elements between first and last.
jstl.advance(iterator first, iterator last)
Returns the result of accumulating all the values in the range [first,last) to init.
jstd.accumulate(iterator first, iterator last, number init)
Here an example
var vector //[10, 20, 10]
jstd.accumulate(vector.begin(), vector.end(), 2) // Return 42
Applies function f to each elements in the range [first,last).
Here an example
var vector //["He", "ll", "o!"]
jstd.for_each(vector.begin(), vector.end(), function(elem) {console.log(elem);}) // Print Hello!
Returns the lesser of a and b. If both are equal, a is returned.
jstd.min(50, 42) //Return 42
Returns the lesser of a and b. If both are equal, a is returned.
jstd.min(50, 42) //Return 50
Returns true if a and b are equal
bool jstd.equal(a, b)
Copies the elements in the range [first,last) into a range beginning at result.
jstd.copy(iterator first, iterator last, output_iterator it)
Sets value to the first n elements in the sequence pointed by first.
jstd.fill_n(output_iterator first, n, v)
Returns an iterator to the first element in the range [first,last) that compares equal to value, or last if not found.
iterator jstd.find(input_iterator first, input_iterator last, value)
Returns an iterator to the first element in the range [first,last) for which applying pred to it, is true.
iterator jstd.find_if(input_iterator first, input_iterator last, Pred pred)
Applies pred to the elements in the range [first,last), and removes those for which it does not return false from the resulting range. The resulting range consists of the elements between first and the iterator returned by the function, which points to the new end of the range. The relative order of the elements not removed is preserved, while the elements past the new end of range are still valid, although with unspecified values.
iterator jstd.remove_if(input_iterator first, input_iterator last, predicate pred)
Returns an array fill with all the element present between [first, last)
jstd.toArray(iterator first, iterator last)
This class couples together a pair of values. The individual values can be accessed through the members first and second.
p = new jstd.pair(42, 24)
p.first //42
p.sencond //24
Constructs a pair object with its first element set to x and its second element set to y.
p = jstd.make_pair(42, 24) //Same as new jstd.pair(42, 24)
Default constructor
v = new jstd.vector()
Return a copy of the vector
vector vector::clone()
See Operator Overloading
void vector::copy(vector v)
Returns the value of the element at position n in the vector. The function automatically checks whether n is within the bounds of valid elements in the vector, throwing an out_of_range exception if it is not.
value vector::at(int n)
Same as at() without bounds checking
value vector::get(int n)
Set the value of the element at position n in the vector to val.
void vector::set(int n, val)
Returns the value of the last element in the vector.
value vector::back()
Returns the value of the first element in the vector
value vector::front()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
void vector::push_back(value)
Removes the last element in the vector
void vector::pop_back()
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
int vector::size()
Returns whether the vector is empty.
bool vector::empty()
Resizes the container so that it has n elements.
void vector::resize(int n)
Removes all elements from the vector.
void vector::clear()
Exchanges the contents of the container by the contents of v.
void vector::swap(vector v)
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the vector.
iterator vector::begin()
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the vector container.
iterator vector::end()
Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the vector.
reverse_iterator vector::rbegin()
Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the element right before the first element in the vector.
reverse_iterator vector::rend()
The vector is extended by inserting new element value before the element pointed by the iterator it.
iterator vector::insert(iterator it, value)
The vector is extended by inserting new elements present between the first and last iterator before the element pointed by the iterator it.
iterator vector::insertRange(iterator it, iterator first, iterator last)
Removes from the vector a single element pointed by it.
void vector::erase(iterator it)
Removes from the vector all the elements present in the interval [first, last)
void vector::eraseRange(iterator first, iterator last)
Returns a string representation of the vector
String vector::toString()
Return a JavaScript array with all the vector content
Array vector::toArray()
Default constructor
l = new jstd.list()
Return a clone of the list
list list::clone()
See Operator Overloading
void list::copy(list l)
Returns the value of the last element in the list.
list list::back()
Returns the value of the first element in the list
list list::front()
Adds a new element at the end of the list, after its current last element.
void list::push_back(value)
Adds a new element at the beginning of the list, before its current first element.
void list::push_front(value)
Removes the last element in the list
void list::pop_back()
Removes the first element in the list
void list::pop_front()
Returns the number of elements in the list.
int list::size()
Returns whether the list is empty.
bool list::empty()
Resizes the container so that it has n elements.
void list::resize(int n)
Removes all elements from the list.
void list::clear()
Exchanges the contents of the container by the contents of l.
void list::swap(list l)
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the list.
iterator list::begin()
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the list.
iterator list::end()
Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the last element in the list.
reverse_iterator list::rbegin()
Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the element right before the first element in the list.
reverse_iterator list::rend()
The list is extended by inserting new element value before the element pointed by the iterator it.
iterator list::insert(iterator it, value)
The list is extended by inserting new elements present between the first and last iterator before the element pointed by the iterator it.
iterator list::insertRange(iterator it, iterator first, iterator last)
Removes from the lista single element pointed by it.
void list::erase(iterator it)
Removes from the list all the elements present in the interval [first, last)
void list::eraseRange(iterator first, iterator last)
Returns a string representation of the list
String list::toString()
Return a JavaScript array with all the list content
Array list::toArray()
Default constructor
s = new jstd.stack()
Return a clone of the stack
stack stack::clone()
See Operator Overloading
void stack::copy(stack s)
Returns the value of the stack top element.
T stack::top()
Adds a new element on the top of the stack
void stack::push(T value)
Removes the element on the top of the stack
void stack::pop()
Returns the number of elements in the stack.
int stack::size()
Returns whether the list is empty.
bool list::empty()
Exchanges the contents of the container by the contents of s.
void stack::swap(stack s)
Default constructor
q = new jstd.queue()
Return a clone of the queue
queue queue::clone()
See Operator Overloading
void queue::copy(queue q)
Returns the value of the queue front element.
T queue::front()
Returns the value of the queue back element.
T queue::back()
Adds a new element on the end of the queue
void queue::push(T value)
Removes the element on the front of the queue
void queue::pop()
Returns the number of elements in the queue.
int queue::size()
Returns whether the queue is empty.
bool queue::empty()
Exchanges the contents of the container by the contents of q.
void queue::swap(queue s)
Default constructor
m = new
Return a copy of the map
map map::clone()
See Operator Overloading
void map::copy(map v)
If x matches the key of an element in the container, the function returns a reference to its mapped value. If x does not match the key of any element in the container, the function inserts a new element.
value map::get(K key)
Set the value of the element associated with the specified key.
void map::set(K key, T value)
Returns the number of elements in the map.
int map::size()
Returns whether the map is empty.
bool map::empty()
Removes all elements from the map.
void map::clear()
Exchanges the contents of the container by the contents of m.
void map::swap(Map m)
Returns an iterator pointing to the element with the lowest key in the map.
iterator map::begin()
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the map container.
iterator map::end()
Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the element with the higgst key in the map.
reverse_iterator map::rbegin()
Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the element right before the element with the smaller key in the map.
reverse_iterator map::rend()
Insert a new element in the map. The pair.first is used as key when the pair.second is used as value.
iterator map::insert(pair pair)
Insert new elements present between the first and last iterator. The iterator must iterator over pair object.
iterator map::insertRange(iterator first, iterator last)
Removes from the map the element asociated with the key.
void map::erase(K key)
Returns a string representation of the map
String map::toString()
Return a JavaScript array with all the pair present in the map.
Array map::toArray()