this is project 4 from the odin project's full stack javascript curriculum.
- create the ubiquitous CRUD application that is capable of creating, reading, updating and deleting data.
- organize tasks into projects or into a general overview of all tasks.
- create functionality to sort tasks by date.
- leverage a solution to store user data.
- users can create, edit and delete both projects and tasks.
- users can sort tasks by tasks due today, tasks due this week, and tasks past due. this functionality makes use of the date-fns library.
- leverages localStorage to store and retrieve user data.
- users can expand/condense the navigation menu and the project list.
- text and form modals are too small on mobile devices.
- a strikethrough option for completed tasks would be a nice feature. i personally like the satisfaction of seeing a completed list and the evidence of its completed tasks.
- has overflow issues for long descriptions and titles which affects the alignment/aesthetic of the app. possible remedies include limiting characters and/or wrapping text.
click here for a live version!