This is my resume website (, which I might (mis)use as a blog or as a platform for experimentation 🧪
- Nuxt 3 - An open-source web framework using Vue
- Nuxt Content - A file-based CMS for Nuxt
- Content Wind - A personal website theme
Make sure to install the dependencies:
pnpm install
This will also register a few commit hooks with Husky.
Run these commands regularly to catch any linting issues:
# Lint all JavaScript and TypeScript code with Eslint
pnpm lint:js
# Lint all style related code with Stylelint
pnpm lint:style
# Run the Prettier linter
pnpm lint:prettier
# Run all previously mentioned linters
pnpm lint
# Automatically fix linting issues
pnpm lintfix
All staged files are linted with a pre-commit hook
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
pnpm dev -o
Build the application for production:
pnpm build
Locally preview production build:
pnpm preview
A GitHub action is used to deploy the static files to GitHub pages.
Generate the static files like this:
pnpm generate
This repo is commitizen friendly.
If you want to run the commitizen cli:
pnpm commit
This will prompt you to generate a commit message that automatically adheres to the standard.