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Syntax Reference
Andrew Bayer edited this page Jan 12, 2017
1 revision
// This is the full syntax for Jenkins Declarative Pipelines as of version 0.8.1.
pipeline {
// Possible agent configurations - you must have one and only one at the top level.
agent any
agent none
agent {
label "whatever"
// Note that you can define a default label for docker and dockerfile in either your Jenkins
// global configuration, or in the configuration for a folder, like a GitHub Organization Folder.
// If that's defined, that label will be used when you don't specify one here explicitly.
agent {
docker "ubuntu:16.04"
agent {
dockerfile true
agent {
docker {
image "ubuntu:16.04"
label "docker-nodes"
args "-v /tmp:/tmp"
agent {
dockerfile {
filename "someOtherDockerfile"
label "docker-nodes"
args "-v /tmp:/tmp"
// Environment
environment {
FOO = "bar"
OTHER = "${FOO}baz"
SOME_CREDENTIALS = credentials('some-id')
// Tools - only works when *not* on docker or dockerfile agent
tools {
// Symbol for tool type and then name of configured tool installation
maven "maven3.3.9"
jdk "jdk8"
options {
// General Jenkins job properties
// Declarative-specific options
// "wrapper" steps that should wrap the entire build execution
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES')
triggers {
// Access parameters with 'params.PARAM_NAME' - that'll get you default values too.
parameters {
booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: 'flag')
// Newer core versions support "stringParam" as well
string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'SOME_STRING')
stages {
stage("first stage") {
// All sections within stage other than steps are optional.
environment {
// Overrides or adds to the existing environment
FOO = "notBar"
tools {
// Overrides tools of the same type defined globally
maven "maven3.3.3"
agent {
// Overrides the top-level agent. "agent none" at the stage level does nothing.
label "some-other-label"
// Conditional execution of this stage - only run this stage if the when condition is true.
when {
// One and only one condition is allowed.
// Only run if the branch matches this Ant-style pattern
branch "master"
// Only run if the environment contains this given variable name with this given value
environment name: "FOO", value: "notBar"
// Only run if this Scripted Pipeline expression doesn't return false or null
expression {
echo "You can run any Pipeline steps in here"
return "foo" == "bar"
// Runs at the end of the stage, depending on whether the conditions are met.
post {
// always means, well, always run.
always {
echo "Hi there"
// changed means when the build status is different than the previous build's status.
changed {
echo "I'm different"
// success, failure, unstable all run if the current build status is successful, failed, or unstable, respectively
success {
echo "I succeeded"
archive "**/*"
// steps is required and is where you put your stage's actual work
steps {
echo "I'm doing things, I guess."
retry(5) {
echo "Keep trying this if it fails up to 5 times"
// the script block allows you to run any arbitrary Pipeline script, even if it doesn't fit the Declarative subset.
script {
if ("sky" == "blue") {
echo "You can't actually do loops or if statements etc in Declarative unless you're in a script block!"
stage("second stage") {
steps {
// You can only use the parallel step if it's the *only* step in the stage.
firstBlock: {
echo "I'm on one parallel block"
secondBlock: {
echo "I'm on the other block"
post {
// always means, well, always run.
always {
echo "Hi there"
// changed means when the build status is different than the previous build's status.
changed {
echo "I'm different"
// success, failure, unstable all run if the current build status is successful, failed, or unstable, respectively
success {
echo "I succeeded"
archive "**/*"
- Getting Started
- Running multiple steps
- Controlling your build environment
- Environment variables
- Reporting test results and storing artifacts
- Notifications
- Deployment and credentials
- Parallelism
- Triggering runs
- Parametrized pipelines
- Pipeline options and log rotation
- Jenkinsfile validation from the CLI
- Advanced pipeline authoring
- Syntax reference
- Version history and changes