Full sample of a configuration for karma e2e & tdd-like tests, with Junit report and Coverage report included (ready for Continuous Integration)
This sample project it's based on
- [karma-e2e-dsl] (https://github.com/winsonwq/karma-e2e-dsl)
- [coverage-mocha-istanbul-karma] (https://github.com/ariya/coverage-mocha-istanbul-karma)
While first project shows how to use Mocha+e2e tests on Karma, the second one shows an example of Coverage output using Mocha tests (with Chai). Our example integrates some Mocha TDD tests (no Chai) & e2e tests, with Coverage and JUnit output (for both testing approachs).
Simply execute following commands:
- npm install
- npm install -g grunt-cli (optional, if you dont have grunt-cli installed globally)
- npm test
Following [Semantic Versioning Specs] (http://semver.org/)
Current Version > 1.0.0
Special thanks to
- [Wang Qiu] (https://github.com/winsonwq)
- [Ariya Hidayat] (https://github.com/ariya)
since they allowed me -sharing their examples- to reduce time & effort developing this sample project.