This is a module for Jelix, allowing to manage tags on records/objects.
This module is for Jelix 1.7.2 and higher.
It was originally developed into the Booster project and the Havefnubb project.
The best method is to use Composer.
In a commande line inside your project, execute:
composer require "jelix/jtags-module"
Launch the configurator for your application to enable the module
php dev.php module:configure jtags
After configuring the module, you should launch the installer of your application to activate the module:
php install/installer.php
All tags are stored into a table. An other table contains the association between a tag, a scope and an id.
A scope is the type of records (a table name for example), or a domain. An id is the id of a record inside the scope.
When you store some tags for an object, you give a scope and the id of the object.
For example, for news posts, the scope may be news
, and the id, the id of a news.
Add in your jforms:
<input ref="tags" rows="2" cols="60">
<label>Type your tags</label>
When initializing the form, retrieve the list of tags and set it to the input:
$form = jForms::create('news', $id_news);
// ...
$srvTags = jClasses::getService("jtags~tags");
$tags = implode(',', $srvTags->getTagsBySubject('news', $id_news));
$form->setData('tags', $tags);
If you want autocompletion, add the class on the widget, into your template:
{ctrl_control 'tags', ["class"=>"jtags-autocomplete"]}
And call setResponseHeaders()
into your controller:
$resp = $this->getResponse('html');
In the action of submit, retrieve the list of tags, and call saveTagsBySubject()
$id_news = $this->param('id_news');
$form = jForms::fill('news', $id_news);
// ...
$srvTags = jClasses::getService("jtags~tags");
$tags = explode(',', $form->getData('tags'));
$srvTags->saveTagsBySubject($tags, 'news', $id_news));
to display the list of tags of a record, call getTagsBySubject
$srvTags = jClasses::getService("jtags~tags");
$tags = implode(', ', $srvTags->getTagsBySubject('news', $id_news));
$tpl->assign('tags', $tags);
There is a zone to display a tags cloud.
Into your controller:
$tpl->assignZone("tagscloud", "jtags~tagscloud", array('destination'=>'module~ctrl:method', 'maxcount'=>30));
or in a template
{zone "jtags~tagscloud", array('destination'=>'module~ctrl:method', 'maxcount'=>20)}
: the action which will display objects corresponding to a tag. it receive a "tag" parameter.maxcount
: displays only the given number of tags. Set it to 0 or don't set this parameter to displays all tags.
$tag = $this->param("tag", false);
if ($tag) {
$srv_tags = jClasses::getService("jtags~tags");
$listOfNewsId = $srv_tags->getSubjectsByTags($tag, "news"));