This project was an assignment in a job application for an iOS developer position. The task was to implement a credit card input form (number, expriration date and cvv) with generate and validate functionality. The resulting project had to comply with the following set of requirements:
- no storyboards and xibs;
- only iPhone version;
- card number validation via bincodes service;
- no external networking & card number generation libraries;
- tests;
- networking tasks should not block the UI;
- final application should be ready for deployment (no private APIs etc.);
- target iOS9+;
- use Autolayout.
In order to run the project you need to either download and unpack zip or clone the repository to your computer. The project uses
CocoaPods to manage dependencies and thus you will have to install their tool before proceeding. Then, having
cocoapods installed you need to open the project directory in the console and run pod install
command. The latter will download all
dependencies and create a workspace in the same folder. Done. Now you can open the workspace and run the project.