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JeKa Springboot-Angular application

This repo show-cases how to build a Springboot+Angular Application with JeKa. The build involves :

  • Compilation + testing of the Java code
  • Compilation + testing of the Angular code
  • Sonarqube + Test coverage analysis of Java code
  • Sonarqube + Test coverage analysis of Angular code
  • End-to-end testing (using selenide) on application deployed on host
  • End-to-end testing (using selenide) on application deployed on Docker

Additionally this demo showcases how to create Docker native images.

The application is a simple web app, managing a list of users.


It has been copied from Tutorial

Run the application


Here, we assume that users clone the repository prior using JeKa commands. Therefore, JeKa installation on host is not mandatory, as the repo includes shell scripts (jeka and jeka.ps1) at its root.

Clone this repository, and execute the following command from the root dir :

jeka -p

This creates a bootable jar if absent, then launch it. Tha application is usable at http://localhost:8080

On second run, the app is directly executed, bypassing the build phase.


If you want to start the application without cloning Git repository by yourself, just execute :

jeka -r -p

Build application

To build application, including both Java and Angular testing, execute :

jeka project: pack

This creates a bootable jar in jeka-output dir.

The bootable jar embeds the Angular application. This is because NodeJs Kbean is configured to build Angular app alongside Springboot app (@nodeJs.autoConfigureProject=true in

Build application with sonar analysis + code coverage


You need a sonarqube server to execute this.

By default, the server is expected to be found at http://localhost:9000.

You can launch a Sonarqube instance using docker docker run -p 9000:9000 -d sonarqube:latest. Then :

  • Go to http;//localhost:9000
  • login with 'admin/admin'
  • Go Administration > Security > User > Tokens > add ..
  • Copy the token and add a property 'sonar.token=[TOKEN]' in [USER HOME]/.jeka/ file
jeka ::packQuality

The meaning of ::packQuality and the tool versions are defined in

The Sonarqube analysis + coverage for Java code is provided out-of-the-box, thanks to Jacoco and Sonarqube Kbean, that are activated in the command line.

For Angular part, a specific method sonarJs has been implemented. This method invoke is defined in the ::packQuality shorthand.

End-to-end testing

Here, the application is tested end-to-end using selenide.

This allows to test the application by simulating user actions on the browser.

The test classes for e2e tests are located in e2e package from test dir.

The tests are executed on deployed applications. This build includes 2 scenarios :

  • Testing the application deployed on local host
  • Testing the application deployed as docker container

Testing on local host

Make sure the application is already build (jeka project: pack).

jeka e2e

This will :

  • launch the application on local host
  • Wait that the application is ready
  • Execute the e2e test suite against the locally deployed application
  • Shutdown the application when test are finished

This execution workflow is defined in e2e() method from Build class in jeka-src dir.

Testing with Docker


This requires to have a Docker client running. This can be DockerDesktop running on your laptop.

Make sure that the docker image is already built.

jeka docker: build

This constructs a Docker image of the application. he specific setup of the image is defined in Build#customizeDockerImage method.

You can execute directly the image by executing:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 demo-project-springboot-angular:latest
jeka e2eDocker

This will :

  • launch the application in a container
  • Wait that the application is ready
  • Execute the e2e test suite against the containerized app
  • Shutdown and remove the container

This execution workflow is defined in Build.e2eDocker() method.

Create native executable and Docker native image

Compile the Spring-Boot project in a native executable:

jeka native: compile

The springboot KBean (declared in instructs the native KBean to include a Spring AOT enrichment phase prior executing native-image. Thus, no additional configuration is needed.

Docker Image

With Jeka, you can easily create Docker native images, regardless of whether you're running on Windows, Linux, or macOS.

To create a Docker image, run:

jeka docker: buildNative

By default, the native image is based on Ubuntu.

We can generate a smaller image, based on a minimal distroless image, but we need to compile by statically linking libc, as it is not included in that image.

jeka native: staticLink=MUSL docker: buildNative

To see details of the generated image, use docker: infoNative command, as :

jeka docker: infoNative

You can also inspect the generated (Docker build dir)[jeka-output/docker-build-native-demo-project-springboot-angular#latest]

To shorten command line, some parameters can be mentioned in file.


The generated Dockerbuild file can be customized using code following in the init method of your KBean :

public void init() {
    load(DockerKBean.class).customizeNativeImage(steps -> steps
            .addCopy(aFile, "/etc/myconfig")
            .add("RUN ..."))