raftd is a lightweight container orchestrator compiled with rust. It uses only 20mb of RAM, allowing you to use very small EC2 instances for a distributed cluster.
The key components are the openraft code, a RocksDB node storage database, and a gRPC communication layer.
You can use a gRPC client (like grpcurl
) to interact with the cluster.
# Start node 1
raftd --id 1 --addr
# Start node 2
raftd --id 2 --addr
# Start node 3
raftd --id 3 --addr
grpcurl -plaintext -proto ./proto/management_service.proto \
-d '\
{"nodes":[ \
{"node_id":"1","rpc_addr":""}, \
{"node_id":"2","rpc_addr":""}, \
{"node_id":"3","rpc_addr":""} \
]}' \
-import-path ./proto \
localhost:10101 raftd.ManagementService/Init
grpcurl -plaintext -proto ./proto/api_service.proto \
-d '{"key":"foo","value":"bar"}' \
-import-path ./proto \
localhost:10101 raftd.ApiService/Set
grpcurl -plaintext -proto ./proto/api_service.proto \
-d '{"key":"foo"}' \
-import-path ./proto \
localhost:10102 raftd.ApiService/Get