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A java wrapper for VueJS in SpringBoot controllers

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SpringBoot-VueJSadds VueJS to a Spring-boot Project for Creating Client-Side Application Logic Within Spring Controllers.

Maven integration

Insert the dependency in your pom.xmlfile:




Manual instanciation in a Spring controller

public class UiTest {
	public String index(ModelMap model) {
		VueJS vue=new VueJS("#app");
		vue.addData("message", "Hello world!");
		model.put("vue", vue);
		return "index";

The index.html mustache view:

<div id="app">
<input v-model="message">

Mustache view use double mustache for variables (message in the example), so the VueJS instance is set by default to use <% and %> as delimiters.

The vue variable generates the javascript code for the view instance creation. The triple mustache {{{vue}}}is use for javascript/html code unescaping.

With @AutoWired annotation

This technique has the advantage of providing a globale instance of VueJS for all the actions of a controller. Create a configuration class to allow the autowiring of VueJS:

public class AppConfiguration {

In your controller:

public class UiTest {

	private VueJS vue;

        @ModelAttribute(name = "vue")
        private VueJS getVue() {
            return this.vue;
	public String index(ModelMap model) {
		vue.addData("message", "Hello world!");
		return "index";

In this case, you can directly configure VueJS in the file:


With @ModelAttribute annotation

For a more punctual use, in a single method for example, It is possible to use the @ModelAttribute annotation :

public class UiTest {

	public VueJS getVue() {
		return new VueJS("#app");
	public String index(@ModelAttribute("vue") VueJS vue) {
		vue.addData("message", "Hello world!");
		return "index";

With @VueJSInstance annotation and Spring AOP

AOP loading in pom.xml:


AOP activation in app config file:

public class AppConfig {


AOP usage in controller:

public class UiTest {
	public String test2(VueJS vue,ModelMap model) {
		vue.addData("message", "Hello world!");
		return "index";



Adds data object for the Vue instance.

vue.addData("group",group);//where group is an instance of the class Group
vue.addData("users",users);//where users is an ArrayList of User


Adds a method to the vue instance

vue.addMethod("toggleVisible", "this.visible=!this.visible;");


Adds a computed property to the vue instance

vue.addComputed("count", "return this.users.length");

A computed property can have a setter:

vue.addMethod("fullname","return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;","var names = newValue.split(' ');
                                                                        this.firstName = names[0];
									this.lastName = names[names.length - 1];");


Adds a watcher on variable to the view instance

vue.addWatcher("value", "'value was '+oldValue+'. It is now '+val;");


It is possible to create components at runtime, but it is more efficient to generate them before:

public class CompoButton {
	public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception  {
		VueComponent compo=new VueComponent("button-counter");
		compo.addData("count", 0);
		compo.setTemplate("<button @click=\"count++\">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button>");

The generated file is created in {project-folder}/src/main/resources/static/vueJS/button-counter.js

//Script generated with VueComponent at Thu Oct 11 03:01:09 CEST 2018
	"data":function() {
		 return {
	,"template":"<button @click=\"count++\">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button>"


<script src="/vueJS/button-counter.js"></script>

Component with template file

Templates are easier to create in a file:

Create the file /src/main/resources/templates/vueJS/button-counter.html

<button @click="count++">
	You clicked me {{ count }} times.

Modify the class CompoButton:

public class CompoButton {
	public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception  {
		VueComponent compo=new VueComponent("button-counter");
		compo.addData("count", 0);

the generated file is the same, but the method is more convenient.


VueJS delimiters

Default delimiters are <% and %>. For changing the plain text interpolation delimiters and avoid conflict with other template packages, you can modify them with:


Http methods

You can also generate code to perform ajax queries:

Submit a form

vue.addMethod("submit",Http.postForm("formRef","console.log('submit datas!')"));

Other Http methods

HTTP calls from Vue.js to SpringBoot REST backend:

vue.addMethod("saveUser","user/","user","console.log('User added!')"),"user");
vue.addMethod("updateUser",Http.put("user/","user","console.log('User updated!')"),"user");

For axios, Do not forget to include the corresponding js file.

Javascript resource

The javascript code is sometimes too large to be neatly integrated into a java controller. In this case, it can be delocalized in a javascript file, which can refer to java variables of the controller.


The java variables are parsed with ${varName} usage.


In the java controller

	public String testJs(@ModelAttribute("vue") VueJS vue) throws IOException {
		JavascriptResource js = JavascriptResource.create("sample");
		js.put("message", "Hello world!");
		vue.addMethod("click", js.parseContent());
		return "view";

Javascript multi modules resource

To avoid the multiplicity of javascript files, it is possible to group several scripts in the same file.

Each script (qualified as a module) must be identified in the javascript file by a comment on a single line bearing its name, and a comment marking the end (also mentioning the name of the script).


Each script can possibly be isolated, which is without consequences.

//----------------consoleMsg (end)-----------------

//----------------alertMsg (end)-------------------

In the java controller

	public String testJsMulti(@ModelAttribute("vue") VueJS vue) throws IOException {
		JavascriptMultiModulesResource jsMulti=JavascriptMultiModulesResource.create("multi");
		jsMulti.getModule("consoleMsg").put("message", "This is a console message");
		vue.addMethod("click", js.parseContent("consoleMsg"));
		return "view";