###The meaning of life - The calculator which will follow you to the end###
This calculator will give you pretty much everything you need from a calculator, including a way to be able to find the meaning of life. Don't let the prospect of failing to find it because you can find all the answers you need in this styleguide.
Firstly, this calculator purely relies on entering two numbers, who would need anymore than that? It's also polite and doesn't push you too hard if you don't want to answer.
Secondly, the only mathematical functions required by any well regarded mathematician are the add, subtract, multiply and divide functions. No need to show off and do more than that, could end up to be painful.
######So what is the meaning of life?
There are many answers to this, depending on what your perspective on things are. But what if I told you that you can simplify it to a simple integer like 42?