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Subby is a small Python library with the goal of simplifying the use of subprocesses. Subby is similar to, but it adds a few additional features and excludes others (e.g. no pexpect support).


The only requirement is python 3.6+. There are no other 3rd-party runtime dependencies. The pytest and coverage packages are required for testing.


pip install subby


Subby's primary interface is the run function. It takes a list of commands and executes them. If there is are multiple commands, they are chained (i.e., piped) together.

import subby

# We can pass input to the stdin of the command as bytes
input_str = "foo\nbar"

# The following three commands are equivalent; each returns a
# `Processes` object that can be used to inspect and control
# the process(es).
p1 =[["grep foo", "wc -l"]], stdin=input_str)
p2 ="grep foo", "wc -l"), stdin=input_str)
p3 ="grep foo | wc -l", stdin=input_str)

# The `done` property tells us whether the processes have finished
assert p1.done and p2.done and p3.done

# The `output` property provides the output of the command
assert p1.output == p2.output == p3.output == "1"

Raw mode

By default, text I/O is used for stdin/stdout/stderr. You can instead use raw I/O (bytes) by passing mode=bytes.

import subby

assert b"1" ==
    "grep foo | wc -l", stdin="foo\nbar", mode=bytes

Non-blocking processes

By default, the run function blocks until the processes are finshed running. This behavior can be changed by passing block=False, in which case, the caller is responsible for checking the status and/or calling the Processes.block() method manually.

import subby
import time

p ="sleep 10", block=False)
for i in range(5):
    if p.done:
    # A timeout can be used to kill the process if it doesn't
    # complete in a certain amount of time. By default, block()
    # raises an error if the return code is non-zero.
    p.block(timeout=10, raise_on_error=False)
    # The process can also be killed manually.

# The `Processes.ok` property is True if the processes have
# finished and the return code is 0.
if not p.ok:
    # The `Processes.output` and `Processes.error` properties
    # provide access to the process stdout and stderr.
    print(f"The command failed: stderr={p.error}")

Convenience methods

There are also some convenience methods to improve the ergonomics for common scenarios.

  • subby.cmd: Run a single command. Equivalent to calling[cmd], ...), where cmd is a string (with no '|') or list of strings.
  • subby.sub: Equivalent to calling with mode=str and block=True and returning the output attribute (stdout) of the resulting Processes object.
import subby

assert subby.cmd("grep foo", stdin="foo\nbar").output == "foo"
assert subby.cmd(["grep", "foo"], stdin="foo\nbar").output == "foo"

assert subby.sub("grep foo | wc -l", stdin="foo\nbar") == "1"


Subby supports several different types of arguments for stdin, stdout, and stderr:

  • A file: specified as a pathlib.Path; for stdin, the content is read from the file, whereas for stdout/stderr the content is written to the file (and is thus not available via the output/error properties).
  • A bytes string: for stdin, the bytes are written to a temporary file, which is passed to the process stdin.
  • One of the values provided by the StdType enumeration:
    • PIPE: for stdout/stderr, subprocess.PIPE is used, giving the caller direct access to the process stdout/stderr streams.
    • BUFFER: for stdout/stderr, a temporary file is used, and the contents are made available via the output/error properties after the process completes.
    • SYS: stdin/stdout/stderr is passed through from the main process (i.e. the sys.stdin/sys.stdout/sys.stderr streams).

By default, the stderr streams of all processes in a chain are captured (you can disable this by passing capture_stderr=False to run()).

import subby
p ="echo -n hi | tee /dev/stderr | tee /dev/stderr")
assert p.output == b"hi"
assert p.get_all_stderr() == [b"", b"hi", b"hi"]


By default, all executed commands are logged (with loglevel INFO). You can disable this behavior by passing echo=False to run().

import subby"touch foo")  # Echoes "touch foo" to the log with level INFO"login -p mypassword", echo=False)  # Does not echo mypassword

Return codes

By default, Subby treats a return code of 0 as success and all other return codes as failure. In some cases, this is not the desired behavior. A well-known example is grep, which has a returncode of 1 when no lines are matched. To ignore additional return codes, set the allowed_return_codes keyword argument to run().

import subby"echo foo | grep bar")  # Raises CalledProcessError"echo foo | grep bar", allowed_return_codes=(0, 1))


Subby is considered to be largely feature-complete, but if you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvement, please submit an issue (or even better, a pull request).


Subby was inspired by

Subby was originally written as part of the dxpy.sugar package, but because it is (hopefully) useful more generally, it is being made available as a separate package. @Damien-Black and @msimbirsky contributed code and reviews.