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( (  halfmoon


halfmoon, combined with php-activerecord, is a tiny MVC framework for PHP 5.3 that tries to use the conventions of Ruby on Rails 2.3 wherever possible and reasonable.

It has a similar directory structure to a Rails project, with the root level containing models, views, controllers, and helpers directories. It supports a concept of environments like Rails, defaulting to a development environment which logs things to Apache's error log and displays errors in the browser.

Its URL routing works similarly as well, supporting a catch-all default route of :controller/:action/:id and a root URL (/) route.

Form helpers work similar to Rails. For example, doing this in Rails:

<% form_for :post, @post, :url => "/posts/update" do |f| %>
	<%= f.label :title, "Post Title" %>
	<%= f.text_field :title, :size => 20 %>

	<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>
<% end %>

is similar to this in halfmoon:

<? $form->form_for($post, "/posts/update", array(), function($f) { ?>
	<?= $f->label("title", "Post Title"); ?>
	<?= $f->text_field("title", array("size" => 20)); ?>

	<?= $f->submit_button("Submit") ?>
<? }); ?>

with $form being an alias to a FormHelper object automatically setup by the controller. There are other helpers available like $time, $html, etc.

$C is defined as the current controller object, to access its functions such as render.


  • PHP 5.3 or higher with the PDO database extensions you wish to use with php-activerecord (pdo-mysql, pdo-pgsql, etc.).

    The mcrypt extension is required for using the encrypted cookie session store (see this page for Mac OS X instructions).

    The pcntl extension is required to use script/dbconsole. The readline extension is optional, but will improve the use of script/console. Both extensions can be installed on Mac OS X with the same instructions for mcrypt but no extra dependencies (download the PHP tarball for the version that php -v reports, untar, cd ext/{pcntl,readline}; phpize; ./configure; make; make install, enable in php.ini.

  • Apache 1 or 2, with mod_rewrite enabled. Development of halfmoon is done on OpenBSD in a chroot()'d Apache 1 server, so any other environment should work fine.


  1. (Optional) Create the root directory where you will be storing everything. halfmoon will do this for you but if you are creating it somewhere where you need sudo permissions, do it manually:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/example/
    $ sudo chown `whoami` /var/www/example
  2. Fetch the halfmoon source code into your home directory or somewhere convenient (not in the directory you are setting up halfmoon in):

    $ git clone git://
  3. Run the halfmoon script to create your skeleton directory at your root directory created in step 1:

    $ halfmoon/halfmoon create /var/www/example/
    copying halfmoon framework... done.
    creating skeleton directory structure... done.
    creating random encryption key for session storage... done.
       total 14
       drwxr-xr-x  2 jcs  users  512 Feb 15 10:25 config/
       drwxr-xr-x  2 jcs  users  512 Feb 15 10:20 controllers/
       drwxr-xr-x  5 jcs  users  512 Mar 15 20:33 halfmoon/
       drwxr-xr-x  2 jcs  users  512 Mar 15 20:33 helpers/
       drwxr-xr-x  2 jcs  users  512 Mar 15 20:33 models/
       drwxr-xr-x  4 jcs  users  512 Feb 13 19:58 public/
       drwxr-xr-x  3 jcs  users  512 Feb 13 19:58 views/
    welcome to halfmoon!

    At a later point, halfmoon will be installed system-wide, so that running "halfmoon create ..." will work from anywhere.

  4. Setup an Apache Virtual Host with a DocumentRoot pointing to the public/ directory:

    	CustomLog logs/example_access combined
    	# halfmoon will log a few lines for each request (or one
    	# line, or nothing - see config/boot.php) with some
    	# useful information about routing, timing, etc.
    	# by default these will use php's error_log(), which will
    	# log to the file specified below, but prefixed with
    	# '[error]' and other junk.  to log information to a
    	# separate file, create a class that extends and overrides
    	# error(), info(), and warn() methods of \HalfMoon\Log and
    	# use HalfMoon\Config::set_log_handler("YourClass") in your
    	# boot.php file.
    	ErrorLog logs/example_info
    	# this should point to your public directory where index.php
    	# lives to interface with halfmoon
    	DocumentRoot /var/www/example/public/
    	# try static (cached) pages before dynamic ones
    	DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
    	# uncomment in a production environment, otherwise we are
    	# assuming to be running in development
    	#SetEnv HALFMOON_ENV production
    	# if suhosin is installed, disable session encryption and
    	# bump the maximum id length since we're handling sessions
    	# on our own
    	php_flag suhosin.session.encrypt off
    	php_value suhosin.session.max_id_length 1024
    	# enable mod_rewrite
    	RewriteEngine on
    	# handle requests for static assets (stylesheets,
    	# javascript, images, cached pages, etc.) directly
    	# route all other requests to halfmoon
    	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/%{REQUEST_URI} [QSA,L]
  5. (Optional) Create the database and its tables and grant permissions. Put those settings in the config/db.ini file under the development section.

    If you are not using a database, or just don't want to use php- activerecord, remove config/db.ini and php-ar will not be initialized, saving you some minor processing time on each request.

    By default, halfmoon runs in development mode unless the HALFMOON_ENV environment variable is set to something else (such as via the commented out example above, using apache's SetEnv function).

Usage Overview

  1. Create models in the models/ directory according to your database tables.

    Example models/Post.php:

    class Post extends ActiveRecord\Model {
    	static $belongs_to = array(
  2. Create controllers in the controllers/ directory to map urls to actions.

    Example controllers/posts_controller.rb:

    class PostsController extends ApplicationController {
    	static $before_filter = array("authenticate_user");
    	public function index() {
    		$this->posts = Post::find("all");

    To set variables in the namespace of the view, use $this->varname. In the above example, $posts is an array of all posts and is visible to the view template php file.

    The index action will be called by default when a route does not specify an action.

    Defining a $before_filter array of functions will call them before processing the action. If any of them return false (such as one failing to authenticate the user and wanting to redirect to a login page), processing will stop, no other before_filters will be run, and the controller action will not be run.

  3. Create views in the views/ directory. By default, controller actions will try to render views/*controller*/*action*.phtml. For example, these URLs:


    will both call the index action in PostsController, which will render views/posts/index.phtml.

    A URL of:


    would map (using the default catch-all route) to the posts controller, calling the show action with $id set to 1, and then render views/posts/show.phtml.

    Partial views are snippets of HTML that are shared among views and can be included in a view template with render function. Their filenames must start with underscores.

    For example, if views/posts/index.phtml contained:

    $C->render(array("partial" => "header_image"));

    then views/posts/_header_image.phtml would be brought in.

    After a controller renders its view file, it is stored in the $content_for_layout variable and the views/layouts/application.phtml file is rendered. Be sure to print $content_for_layout somewhere in that file.

  4. (Optional) Configure a root route to specify which controller/action should be used for viewing the root (/) URL via config/routes.php:

    	"controller" => "posts",
    	"action" => "homepage"

    this uses the same rules as other routes, calling the index action if it is not specified.

    If your site should always present a static page (like a login/splash page) at the root URL, then simply make a public/index.html file to avoid processing through halfmoon. This is handled entirely outside of halfmoon by apache, because of the mod_rewrite rule.

  5. Change or create site-specific and environment-specific settings in the config/boot.php script. This can be used to adjust logging, tweak PHP settings, or set global PHP variables that you need.

Moving to Production

  1. Copy the entire directory tree (/var/www/example in this example) somewhere, setup an Apache Virtual Host like the example above, but use the SetEnv apache function to change the HALFMOON_ENV environment to "production".

    <VirtualHost ...>
    	SetEnv HALFMOON_ENV production

    This will use the database configured in config/db.ini under the production group, and any settings you have changed in config/boot.php that are environment-specific (such as disabling logging).

  2. Verify that your static 404 and 500 pages (in public/) have useful content.

    You may wish to turn halfmoon's logging off completely, instead of the "short" style used by default in production which will only log one line logging the processing time for each request. This can be adjusted in config/boot.php:


    It is also recommended that you enable exception notification e-mails, which will e-mail you a backtrace and some helpful debugging information any time an error happens in your application:

    HalfMoon\Config::set_exception_notification_subject("[your app]");

Using halfmoon with FastCGI

Newer versions of PHP include optional FPM support which makes it easy to run halfmoon applications in a secure environment and, when combined with APC, can increase performance by caching PHP code between requests. The halfmoon framework and models will not need to be reloaded and re-parsed on every request.

After installing PHP with FPM support and the APC PECL module, FPM can be configured to chroot to your halfmoon application's root directory, and run the application as a specific user. To extend the configuration of the example Apache configuration above, the relevant lines of the php-fpm.conf file might look like:

prefix = /var/www
listen = /var/www/fpm/example.sock
user = _exampleuser
group = _exampleuser
chroot = /var/www/example
env[HALFMOON_ENV] = production
php_admin_value[error_log] = /log/production_log

Note that your halfmoon application must still live in a directory where Apache can see it if Apache is chrooted, or at least the application's /public directory. This lets Apache directly serve requests for static files.

Overriding the PHP error log (which halfmoon uses to log stats about each request) is recommended to avoid having each line prefixed with even more junk under FastCGI:

[error] [client x.x.x.x] FastCGI: server "/public/index.php/" stderr:

This also lets the FastCGI daemonized process directly log stats, rather than having to send each line back through the FastCGI socket for Apache to log. Note that the log file referenced will be appended to by the user running the daemonized FastCGI process, so create the /log directory in your halfmoon root and chown it to that user.

Once your halfmoon application's php-fpm process is started and working, the web server configuration will need to be modified to send requests to the FPM socket rather than processing them with its internal PHP module. For Apache, relevant lines might look like this (for a chrooted Apache setup, paths relative to the chroot):

AddHandler php-fastcgi .php
Action php-fastcgi /example/fcgi
Alias /example/fcgi /public/index.php
FastCGIExternalServer /public/index.php -socket /fpm/example.sock

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/example/fcgi
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php [QSA,L]

The first 4 lines tell Apache to handle .php files with php-fastcgi, declare an action for those requests and route that action to the /public/index.php file (which interfaces to halfmoon), and send that request over to the FastCGI socket setup by php-fpm.

The previously used mod_rewrite rules are used to send requests for all URLs that don't match local files (such as images, stylesheets, etc.) through halfmoon, with an additional rule added to avoid infinitely looping on requests destined for the FastCGI socket.


There are some differences to be aware of between Rails and halfmoon. Some are due to differences between Ruby and PHP and some are just design changes.

  1. The body of the form_for() will be executed in a different context, so $this will not point to the controller as it does elsewhere in the view. To get around this, $C is defined and (along with any other local variables needed) can be passed into the form_for() body like so:

    <h1><?= $C->title() ?></h1>
    <? $form->form_for($post, "/posts/update", array(), function($f) use ($C) { ?>
    	<h2><?= $C->sub_title(); ?></h2>
    <? }); ?>

    This is due to the design of closures in php.

    It is recommended to just always use $C instead of $this throughout views and closures.

  2. list and new are reserved keywords in PHP, so these cannot be used as the controller actions like Rails sets up by default.

    It is suggested to use build instead of new, and index instead of list. Of course, list and new can still be used in URLs by adding a specific route to map them to different controller actions:

    	"url" => ":controller/list",
    	"action" => "index",
  3. Sessions are disabled by default, but can be enabled per-controller or per-action. In a controller, define a static $session variable and either turn it on for the entire controller:

    static $session = "on";

    or just on for specific actions with except or only arrays:

    static $session = array(
    	"on" => array(
    		"only" => array("login", "index")

    To reverse the settings (enable it for the entire application but disable it for specific actions), define it to "on" in your ApplicationController and then just turn it off per-controller.

    Note: when using the built-in form helper (form_for) with a POST form and XSRF protection is enabled, sessions will be explicitly enabled to allow storing the token in the session pre-POST and then retrieving it on the POST.


a tiny mvc framework for php using php-activerecord








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