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Notes on VsVim keybindings

Julien edited this page Mar 19, 2016 · 15 revisions

Full list

Start/stop debugging and running

  • TestDriven Debug -> td (test debugging)
  • TestDriven Run --> tc (test continue)
  • TestDriven RepeatLastRun --> ta (test again) and tt
  • Debug.Start --> sd (start debugging)
  • Debug.StartWithoutDebugging --> sc (start continue)
  • Debug.StopDebugging --> SS (stop) and TT (stop test)
  • Build --> Ctrl-Shift-B
  • Debug.DetachAll
  • DebuggerContextMenus.ProcessesWindow.ContinueProcess
  • DebuggerContextMenus.ProcessesWindow.DetachProcess
  • DebuggerContextMenus.ProcessesWindow.TerminateProcess

While debugging (could this be moved to the left hand?)

  • Debug.StepInto --> Alt-L
  • Debug.StepOut --> Alt-K
  • Debug.RunToCursor --> Alt-R
  • EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.RuntoCursor
  • Debug.SetNextStatement --> Alt-S
  • Debug.AddWatch
  • move up and down the call stack
  • DebuggerContextMenus.CallStackWindow.SwitchToFrame
  • DebuggerContextMenus.CallStackWindow.UnwindToThisFrame


  • Debug.Output --> <Leader>wo
  • Debug.Immediate --> <Leader>wi
  • Debug.Locals --> <Leader>wl
  • Debug.Modules --> <Leader>wm
  • Debug.Threads --> <Leader>wt
  • Debug.Autos --> <Leader>wa
  • Debug.Breakpoints --> <Leader>wp (points)
  • View.BookmarkWindow --> <Leader>wb
  • Window.AutoHideAll --> <Leader>wh
  • View.FullScreen --> <Leader>wf (Shift+Alt+Enter,)
  • Team.Git.GoToGitChanges --> <Leader>wg
  • Tools.CustomizeKeyboard --> <Leader>ws (settings)
  • Tools.Options

Bookmarks and breakpoints

  • Edit.NextBookmark --> NB
  • Edit.NextBookmarkInDocument --> nb
  • Edit.PreviousBookmark --> PB
  • Edit.PreviousBookmarkInDocument --> pb
  • Edit.ToggleBookmark --> tb
  • Debug.ToggleBreakpoint (F9) --> tp
  • Debug.EnableBreakpoint --> tep (toggle enable point)
  • remove breakpoint (no such command)


  • Scroll down --> Space?
  • Window.PreviousTab --> <Leader>pt
  • Window.NextTab --> <Leader>nt
  • Window.PinTab --> <Leader>kt (keep tab)
  • Window.KeepTabOpen (Ctrl+Alt+Home) --> ot (open tab)
  • Edit.PreviousMethod --> <Leader>pm
  • Edit.NextMethod --> <Leader>nm
  • Edit.GoToDefinition --> <Leader>gd
  • Find all references --> gr
  • Edit.CompleteWord --> Ctrl+Space
  • Edit.NavigateTo Bindings:(Global::Ctrl+,,)
  • ComparePrevious
  • Diff.NextDifference Bindings:(Difference Viewer::F8,)
  • Diff.PreviousDifference Bindings:(Difference Viewer::Shift+F8,)
  • Edit.PeekDefinition --> <Leader>sd (show definition)
  • closing the definition tab
  • Edit.QuickFindSymbol --> <Leader>ss (show symbol) (requires 1 parameter)
  • Edit.QuickInfo --> <Leader>si (show info)
  • View.NavigateBackward Bindings:(Global::Ctrl+-,)
  • View.NavigateForward Bindings:(Global::Ctrl+Shift+-,)
  • Window.NextTab Bindings:(Global::Ctrl+Alt+PgDn,)


  • Edit.CollapsetoDefinitions => co (close outlines)

  • Edit.ExpandAllOutlining => oo (open outlines)

  • Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion (toggle one method or block marked with +) => to (toggle outline)

  • Edit.UndoClose

  • Edit.StartAutomaticOutlining (dunno)

  • Edit.StopHidingCurrent (dunno)

  • Edit.StopOutlining

  • Edit.ToggleAllOutlining

  • Edit.CollapseAllincurrentblock (dunno)

  • Edit.CollapseAllOutlining

  • Edit.CollapseBlockcurrentblock (dunno)

  • Edit.CollapseCurrentRegion (dunno)

Code manipulation

  • Edit.CommentSelection --> Ctrl+E, C (does Vim have an existing keybinding?)

  • Edit.UncommentSelection --> Ctrl+E, U

  • Edit.IncreaseLineIndent (already handled by VsVim with < and >)

  • Increase/decrease selection indent (visual mode, then < or >).

  • Usings

  • Edit.GenerateConstructor

  • Edit.GenerateEnumMember

  • Edit.GenerateField

  • Edit.GenerateMethod

  • Edit.GenerateNewType

  • Edit.GenerateProperty

  • OtherContextMenus.SmartTag.*


  • Team.Git.CompareWithPrevious
  • Team.Git.CompareWithUnmodified
  • Team.Git.OpenBrowser
  • Team.Git.OpenCommandPrompt
  • Team.Git.OpenFileExplorer
  • Team.Git.ViewCommitDetails
  • Team.Git.ViewHistory
  • Tools.Zoom
  • Tools.ZoomIn
  • Tools.ZoomOut
  • Quick actions (Ctrl+.)
  • tab groups (in Window.*)
  • File.CopyFullPath
  • File.DiffLocalItem
  • Debug.QuickWatch
  • Debug.ReturnToCallSite