Piklist addon for creating a select/radio/checkbox field of options based on a post type. Lists show name and use id as the value. (Inspired by Image plugin of Jason Lane)
Install piklist. Add to plugins folder and activate normally.
Use like normal piklist field
piklist('field', array(
'type' => 'relationship' //set fieldtype to relationship
,'scope' => 'post_meta'
,'field' => 'field_name'
,'label' => 'field_label'
,'description' => 'your description'
,'post_type' => 'post_type' // The post type you want to pull in for relationship
,'value' => '0'
,'choices' => array( // optional: add choices array to add additional values
'0' => '-- Select --'
,'options' => array(
'type' => 'select|radio|checkbox' // type of field defaults to select
,'list' => true // optional: will turn checkbox and radio into list
,'attributes' => array( //standard piklist usage
'class' => 'text'