The first social media app for Flipper Zero. Connect with other users directly on your device through WiFi.
The highlight of this app is customizable pre-saves, which, as explained below, aim to address the challenges of typing with the directional pad.
- WiFi Developer Board, Raspberry Pi, or ESP32 Device with FlipperHTTP Flash:
- 2.4 Ghz WiFi Access Point
- Login/Logout
- Registration
- Feed
- Profile
- Customizable Pre-Saves
- Explore
- Friends
- Direct Messaging
Login/Logout: Log in to your account to view and post on the Feed. You can also change your password and log out when needed.
Registration: Create an account with just a username and password—no email or personal information required or collected.
Feed: View the latest posts, create your own posts, and "Flip" a post—FlipSocial’s version of liking or favoriting a post.
Customizable Pre-Saves: The biggest challenge with a social media app on the Flipper Zero is using only the directional pad for input. To address this, I implemented a pre-saved text system. The pre-saves are stored in a pre_saved_messages.txt file on your SD card. You can edit the pre-saves by opening qFlipper, downloading the file from the /apps_data/flip_social/ folder, adding your pre-saves (separated by new lines), and then copying it back to your SD card. You can also create pre-saves directly within the app.
Explore: Discover other users and add them as friends.
Friends: View and remove friends.
Direct Messaging: Send direct messages to other Flipper users and view your conversations.