This was developed for ROS1. For integration with ROS2, use this updated version:
This is a basic keyboard teleoperation/control module built for ROS Noetic. Interfaces with Twist in ROS, and publishes to /cmd_vel for simple robot control.
- cd to the src folder in your catkin workspace, and clone this repository there (assuming you have ros and git installed)
git clone
- Install the python getch module:
pip3 install getch
- In the first terminal tab, run
- In a new tab, source
- cd to
or wherever stage_ros is installed for your ROS version - Run
rosrun stage_ros stageros $(rospack find stage_ros)/world/
- A window with the sim running should appear
- In a new tab, source
- roscd to wherever you cloned the repository (
) - Run the program:
rosrun keyboard_control
Note: you may have to install pip3 and if it is not already part of your python install
- pip install: