Author: | C.W. and its contributors (See contributors.rst) |
Issues: | |
License: | MIT |
For existing moban users, python 2 support has been dropped. Please stay with versions lower than 0.7.0 if you are still using python 2.
From 2020 onwards, minimum requirement is Python 3.6
moban started with bringing the high performance template engine (JINJA2) for web into static text generation. It has been used in pyexcel and coala project to keep documentation consistent across the documentations of individual libraries in the same organisation.
moban can use other python template engine: mako, handlebars, velocity, haml, slim and tornado, can read other data format: json and yaml, and can access both template file and configuration file in any location: zip, git, pypi package, s3, etc.
Any template, any data in any location
If you like moban, please support me on github, patreon or bounty source to maintain the project and develop it further.
With your financial support, I will be able to invest a little bit more time in coding, documentation and writing interesting extensions.
jinja2-fsloader is the key component to enable PyFilesystem2 support in moban v0.6x. Please show your stars there too!
You can install it via pip:
$ pip install moban
or clone it and install it:
$ git clone
$ cd moban
$ python install
$ export HELLO="world"
$ moban "{{HELLO}}"
Templating {{HELLO}}... to moban.output
Templated 1 file.
$ cat moban.output
$ export HELLO="world"
$ echo "{{HELLO}}" | moban
Or simply
$ HELLO="world" moban "{{HELLO}}"
A bit formal example:
$ moban -c data.yml -t my.template
$ cat moban.output
Given data.yml as:
hello: world
and my.template as:
moban.output will contain:
Please note that data.yml will take precedence over environment variables.
Moban in live action:
All use cases are documented here
gitfs2 is optional since v0.7.0 but was installed by default since v0.6.1
You can do the following with moban:
$ moban -t 'git://!/templates/' \
-c 'git://!/config/data.yml' \
Info: Found repo in /Users/jaska/Library/Caches/gitfs2/repos/pypi-mobans
Templating git://!/templates/ to
Templated 1 file.
$ cat
__version__ = "0.1.1rc3"
__author__ = "C.W."
pypifs is optional since v0.7.0 but was installed by default since v0.6.1
You can do the following with moban:
$ moban -t 'pypi://pypi-mobans-pkg/resources/templates/' \
-c 'pypi://pypi-mobans-pkg/resources/config/data.yml' \
Collecting pypi-mobans-pkg
Installing collected packages: pypi-mobans-pkg
Successfully installed pypi-mobans-pkg-0.0.7
Templating pypi://pypi-mobans-pkg/resources/templates/ to
Templated 1 file.
$ cat
__version__ = "0.1.1rc3"
__author__ = "C.W."
Please install fs-s3fs:
$ pip install fs-s3fs
Then you can access your files in s3 bucket:
$ moban -c s3://${client_id}:${client_secrect}@moremoban/s3data.yml \
-o 'zip://!/moban.output' {{hello}}
$ unzip
$ cat moban.output
Where the configuration sits in a s3 bucket, the output is a file in a zip. The content of s3data.yaml is:
hello: world
usage: moban [-h] [-c CONFIGURATION] [-t TEMPLATE] [-o OUTPUT]
[-m MOBANFILE] [-g GROUP] [--template-type TEMPLATE_TYPE]
[-d DEFINE [DEFINE ...]] [-e EXTENSION [EXTENSION ...]] [-f]
[--exit-code] [-V] [-v]
Static text generator using any template, any data and any location.
positional arguments:
template string templates
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the data file
-t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
the template file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
the output file
Advanced options:
For better control
add more directories for template file lookup
the directory for configuration file lookup
custom moban file
-g GROUP, --group GROUP
a subset of targets
--template-type TEMPLATE_TYPE
the template type, default is jinja2
-d DEFINE [DEFINE ...], --define DEFINE [DEFINE ...]
to supply additional or override predefined variables,
format: VAR=VALUEs
-f force moban to template all files despite of
Developer options:
For debugging and development
--exit-code tell moban to change exit code
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v show verbose, try -v, -vv, -vvv
By default:
- 0 : no error
- 1 : error occured
With --exit-code:
- 0 : no changes
- 1 : has changes
- 2 : error occured