The repository contains various data visualization plots, plotted using python visualization libraries such as Matplotlib, seaborn and folium.
Plots using folium need to be executed on Jupyter notebook as command line or any IDE is unable to do so.
Choropleth maps needs a json file consisting of latitudes and longitudes of regions through which program can identify boundaries of the region. (A file called "world_countries.json" is attached for execution of attached "Choropleth_Map's" code)
Datasets used:
"Canada.xlsx" : Number of immigrants in Canada from different countries of the world from 1980 to 2013.
"Data_Science_Topics_Survey.csv" : Survey conducted to gauge an audience interest in different data science topics, namely: Big Data, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, etc. The participants had three options for each topic: Interested, Somewhat interested, and Not interested.
"automobile.xlsx" : Features affecting price of a car such as engine-type, horsepower, wheel-base, body-style, etc.
There is a pdf file called "Outputs of Codes" attached for simplicity.