State and National Park Lookup API This is a simple API built with rails that returns state and national parks and has endpoints for basic CRUD functionality. Includes search and random park endpoints
Flickr Copy This site is a copy of Flickr built with Rails. Users can sign in, upload images, mark images as private, assign tags to images, view all public photos and their own private photos
Mario's Super Foods Fictional site for a speciality foods store that has CRUD functionality over products. Users can leave reviews and rate products. There is a scope for average reviews, top 3 rated products, and most reviewed product. Users can also search for products based on country of origin View Live Site
Type Test typing test application for programmers that tests their keyboard skills built with Angular. Create a new player, select a language to practice and the program returns your score for characters per minute and shows you which keys you missed and how many times. It also uses the D3 Javascript library to generate fun graphics based on correct/incorrect keystrokes View Live Site
The Shelf This is an e-commerce site that has user authentication, image upload for products, CRUD functionality via admin dashboard, and integrates with the Stripe API for payment processing View Live Site
Bike Index simple node.js web application that uses the BikeIndex and Google Maps API to display stolen bikes for a given area. Users can see details about each particular bike and their location on map
Six Degress of Nic Cage Ruby and Sinatra application that seeds a local database via a movie API and lets users enter two actors to see their degrees of separation View Live Site
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Copyright (c) 2017 Jason Ainsworth