Sets the built-in adult content filter (most often: safe search) on Google, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Dogpile, Yandex, Vimeo, Reddit, Ecosia, Dailymotion, Qwant, and Patreon.
- this enforces a minimum while preserving your settings
after update on their part
- value lenient was harder to understand
- lacked link to explanation of values
so POST is disabled for now. If you want/need it, you can raise an issue or update #17.
due to CORS implementation
credits to @sfrauenfelder
Currently, this uses strict mode. If moderate mode works for you, you can file an issue to change this.
Youtube-configuration. Youtube offers at least three safe search settings:
- no adult content
- moderate safe search
- strict safe search
This extension previously only selected moderate safe search.
for google maps shown via another url than
slightly cleaner code (indexOf
generally due to using wrong method support
to search on google play and to show google maps
Google’s Chrome Web Store reviewers due to too many supported sites (too many keywords in description)
basic support
application-id for firefox (required for MS global install)
mismatched name on FF and Chrome
basic reddit support
extension short name and image attribution
did not work on Google Chrome’s/Chromium’s omnibox search
code file lacked license mention
Version bump: a copy of my version 0.1.0 at mozilla has version 1.0.,
1st: google, bing, yahoo, duckduckgo