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Dialog windows for Vue 2.x (like confirm or alert), based on Vuedals.

These dialogs will return a Promise when called that will resolve when confirmed and rejects when denied

It provides 3 types of dialogs:

  • Alert
  • Confirm
  • Hard Confirm

More info about the types, below


Live demo on jsFiddle:


import VueDialog from 'vuedialog';
import { Bus, Component as  Vuedals } from 'vuedals';


var vm = new Vue({
	el: '#app',
	components: {

    methods: {
        continue() {
            VueDialog.confirm('Are you sure of this?')
                .then(_ => alert('You are sure'))
                .catch(_ => alert('Phew..'));
	template: `<div>
        To continue, <span @click="continue()">click here</span>



This plugin depends on Vuedals so you need to have Vuedals as a component dependency if you don't:

$ npm install vuedals --save
import { Component as Vuedals } from 'vuedals';

Vue.component('my-component', {
    components: {

    template: `

For more info on how to setup Vuedals, check the repo:


Be sure that you have Vuedals install, as is a dependency

Install with npm:

$ npm install vuedialog --save

After that you need to pass the Vuedal's Event Bus instance to trigger the open and close methods, example:

import { Bus } from 'vuedals';
import VueDialog from 'vue-dialog';



import { VueDialog } from 'vuedialog';

Vue.component('my-component', {
    methods: {
        myMethod() {
            VueDialog.alert('Watch me!', 'Ok, done!');

Dialog types

This plugin has 3 methods you can call:


VueDialog.alert(message[, buttonLabel])

Will open an alert window with the given message.

Argument Type Default Description
message String "" The mesage to show
buttonLabel String "Ok" The label of the button


VueDialog.confirm(message[, options])

Will open a confirm window with the message and the given options.

Argument Type Default Description
message String "Are you sure?" The mesage to show
options Object see below Options for this confirm
Option Type Default Description
title String "Please confirm" The title of the window
labels Object {ok: "Ok", cancel: "Cancel"} The labels of the <ok> and <cancel> buttons
payload Object {} The payload that can be usefull for determing/identifying vuedals instances
template String "just contains the options title" The tempalte that can be passed to show the content


VueDialog.hardConfirm(message[, confirmationMessage[, options]])

Opens a "hard confirm" window dialog, this is a confirm in which the user has to type a given confirmation message and press the "im sure" button for a given amount of seconds. This is intended for really sensitive actions.

Argument Type Default Description
message String "Are you sure?" The mesage to show
confirmationMessage String "I really want to do it" The message the user will need to type
options Object see below The custom options
payload Object {} The payload that can be usefull for determing/identifying vuedals instances
template String "just contains the options title" The tempalte that can be passed to show the content
Option Type Default Description
duration Integer 5 How many seconds the user will need to press the confirmation button
labels Object {ok: "Yes, i'm sure", cancel: "Cancel", pressing: "Keep pressing...", confirmed: "Confirmed, please wait..."} The labels of the <ok> and <cancel> buttons, and <pressing>, <confirmed> states for the <ok> button