The CActiveRecordInheritance extension adds up table inheritance to AR models.
To use this extension, just copy this file to your extensions/ directory, add 'import' => 'application.extensions.CActiveRecordInheritance', [...] to your config/main.php and add this behavior to each child model you would like to inherit the new possibilities:
public function behaviors()
return array( 'CActiveRecordInheritance' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.CActiveRecordInheritance'
The parent model should have a pk column with an auto-incremental value, and the child model should have a pk with another name different from the parent and not auto-incremental value.
For example, if we set a parent Car and possible children SportCar and FamilyCar:
- id
- name
- car_id
- power
- car_id
- seats
Have to be careful with duplicated names, because this behavior can't distinguish between ambiguos columns in parent and child models. The table alias for the parent model will be 'p', and the table alias for the child model still remains 't'.
Some events have been overwritten by this behavior so it's not possible to use them in the child model context. Even though, there is a fallback to mitigate this issue, implementing a 'beforeEvent' method in the child. The left method is the method overwritted, and the right one is the new method to implement in the child models if they are needed.
- afterConstruct => beforeAfterConstruct
- beforeFind => beforeBeforeFind
- afterFind => beforeAfterFind
- beforeSave => beforeBeforeSave They will be executed just before the 'behavior overwriting method', and the MUST NOT return anything, as regular event should return parent::event to avoid framework workflow problems.
TODO list:
- makes a delete cascade functionality