Tool to calculate shared expenses Debt flow.
I've started this project because I wanted to do something similar to Splitwise or Settle up.
It uses a simple algorithm that first builds a graph of debts and then it does several iterations to try to simplify it traversing paths longer each time.
The algorithm can be limited to people that known each other, meaning people that have debts between them or all with all.
This is a simple javascript page that uses vue and lodash. I just realized that jquery is there too for some animation. The css framework is bulma.
I use webpack to handle all the sources.
npm run build
to generate the final versionnpm run watch
for development
Both commands compile the sources into the dist folder.
- dist folder to put the compiled files.
- npm stuff: node_modules package.json package-lock.json
- This file
- src Source folder
- app.js Javascript entrypoint
- app.scss CSS entrypoint
- index.html Main html file
- webpack.config.js The webpack config file