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Chronic Ink Internal Dashboard


  • Dashboard view with widgets
    • Intake List widget to show a list of clients who have filled out an intake form and are waiting for a consultation
    • Artist Stats widget to show calendar info for each artist, such as soonest opening and overall booking volume over a given period
  • Intake Form
    • A client-facing form that allows Chronic Ink to collect client info and make it easily accessible for future applications
  • Booking Form
    • An internal-use form that allows Chronic Ink staff to record details about a piece, save and come back to the form later, and submit the details so events are automatically created in the calendar and reminders are automatically sent to the client, the artist, and the studio.
  • Shop forms
    • Links to google forms that are used to collect info about the shop

Setting Up Development Environment

Install Node.js. Install Meteor. Clone this repository.


npm install

meteor --settings settings.json

You will notice errors, this is normal. The MongoDB instance running on port 3001 is missing some vital data.

Import artists.json into your DB with

mongoimport --db meteor --collection artist --file artist.json --jsonArray

Add this object as a document into your studio collection:

	"name" : "Chronic Ink",
	"emails" : {
		"primary" : "",
		"clientFacing" : "",
		"qualityControl" : "",
		"other" : [ ]
	"widgets" : [
	"staff" : [ ]

Setting up Meteor Up To Push To Production

Install Meteor Up with

npm install -g mup

In the .deploy directory of the project, there is a mup.js file that specifies the configuration. Under the servers property there are keys one, two, etc that have the specifications for different servers we can deploy to. The one with host is the production server. Under the meteor.servers setting, specify which of the servers you want to deploy to when you run the deployment command. Change the ROOT_URL environment variable to the url of the server you are deploying to this time. There is also a settings.json file that specifies what settings to pass to the Meteor instance that is deployed.

In the .deploy directory, just run

mup deploy

to deploy to the server specified in mup.js. Deployments done using mup run in a docker container that can be accessed with the commands:

docker exec -it chronicink-dashboard bash for the Meteor instance.

docker exec -it mongodb bash for the MongoDB instance.

To directly connect to the containerized MongoDB instance, use the command:

docker exec -it mongodb mongo chronicink-dashboard

Keep in mind that this will build and deploy the project in its current state in your local repository, so PLEASE MAKE SURE that your repo is synced up with the upstream before you deploy. Any errant changes in your local project WILL be incorporated into the build and deployed to the server


Google password change

If the password to the account is changed, the dashboard will no longer be able to send emails or push to the calendar. To fix this, simply log out of the dashboard and log in again with the new password.

Refresh token no longer working

Sometimes simply logging out/logging in won't fix the issue and calendar pushing will still be broken. The last time this happened this was because the refresh token associated with the main google was no longer valid after the password change. To fix this, in the Login component, where Meteor.loginWithGoogle() is called, pass

forceApprovalPrompt: true

as an option. This will ensure that the next time the user logs in, they will have to re-accept the terms and a new refresh token will be issued.

Adding new artist

To add a new artist to the database, simple log in to the production server, connect to the mongodb instance, and insert the new artist. You have to know their name, their calendarID, and any emails they would like appointment reminders to be sent to. You can find the last two things by signing into the chronic ink calendar and finding the calendar for the new artist and viewing its settings. Their calendarID will be at the bottom of the first page in the format and their personal emails (if any) can be found in the "Share this calendar" tab.

If you want to know what the format of an artist document takes, make a query for a single artist (db.artist.findOne()) and follow that format, minus the _id.

Backing up database

Every month, back up the database on by ssh'ing into the machine, then running

docker exec -it mongodb bash
mongodump data/

This will connect to the mongodb docker container and back up the entire database (including the admin, local & chronicink-dashboard dbs) to the data/dump directory. Then exit the container, and run

docker -cp . mongodb:data/dump

to copy the files outside the container. Then transfer it to your local machine, where you can upload it to google drive or elsewhere for safe keeping.


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