I intialised a git repo from my terminal using the following commands
First using cd
to move to a working directory
mkdir cloud-challenge-resume
cd cloud-challenge-resume
git init
git add .
touch README.md
git commit -m "initial commit"
Use the github API to create a repo on my github account
curl -u jasonltr https://api.github.com/user/repos -d ' {"name":"cloud-resume-challenge" "private":false}
I used a personal access token from github to run commands that require access into my github account
git remote add origin https://github.com/jasonltr/cloud-resume-challenge
git remote add origin git@github.com:jasonltr/cloud-resume-challange
git push -u origin master
Starting editing on VS code subsequently
Uploaded html and css files, got the template from SRT
Did az login
Created resource group
az group create \
--name storage-resource-group \
--location southeastasia
Created storage account
az storage account create \
--name jltrcloudresumechallenge\
--resource-group storage-resource-group \
--location southeastasia \
--sku Standard_RAGRS \
--kind StorageV2
Enable static website hosting from blob storage
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name jltrcloudresumechallenge --static-website --404-document 404.html --index-document resume.html
Upload required files onto a $web container
az storage blob upload-batch -s /home/jason/Documents/GitHub/cloud-resume-challenge -d '$web' --account-name jltrcloudresumechallenge
Get the URL of the website
az storage account show -n jltrcloudresumechallenge -g storage-resource-group --query "primaryEndpoints.web" --output tsv
Bought my own customr domain jasonltr.com on Cloudflare
Created a CDN endpoint on Azure following tutorial
Created the relevant CNAMES on Cloudflare dashboard to do the redirecting
Enabled https only on Cloudflare and no www. required when entering my URL
So just entering jasonltr.com should work
I followed a tutorial online link
Created CosmosDB, Azure Function,
Have to enable CORS settings on Azure portal API (sorry for general instruction but just google it)
Wrote python script under test to test the urls to ensure a 200 response is returned AKA instead of manually checking all the urls by clicking on them manually the pythong script does it for me
Wrote the two YAML files to provide the sequence of events to be triggered when a push to [master] branch webpage directory.
The first YAML file is to run the test script
The second YAML file is to automatically upload my updated frontend files onto the blob storage and to purge the CDN endpoint to update my website.
There is a need to configure the credentials from your azure account. I created a service principal using
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<resource group name> --sdk-auth
Copied the Json output and went to my Github repo, created a secret and pasted the Json there and gave the secret a name
The YAML file will call this secret using ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}