Transfered from my previous github account
Coded with Python and MySQL database. The process is as follows:
- Assembled a web crawler using Python to scrape product resources from original data websites using urllib.
- Data processing using csv reader and pandas in Python to save the resources as csv files.
- Data insertion and update operations of MySQL database, as well as the realization of query optimization.
There are 4 py files:
- "" is to run the whole program.
- "" is to record 7 different accounts and log them into the original data website. Each account has a search limit, so the program will switch to a new account after the old account's search limit is used up.
- "" is the web crawler and store the data into the csv files. The program update the last searched good and the last searched page on the data website through json file.
- "" is to log into the local database and read all the csv files and import the data into the database using MySQL.
I have already store the all the data of "chips" including:(customs codes, product name, time range, importers and exporters, trading countries, and start port/destination port) exporting from China(CN) to the world from March, 2021 to June, 2021. The screenshots are posted.