An LED counter increments every second. Pressing the button delivers a 48,000 Volt shock and resets the counter to zero. Hilarity ensues.
- 4x 7-segment LEDs (12-inches tall, common cathode)
- 1x Nova Violet Wand (Model SN-B)
- 1x P10 SMD LED Sign 40"x8"
- 1x Arduino Mega
- 1x Adafruit Feather 32u4 Basic Proto
- 4x TPIC6C595N bit shifters
- 28x TIP125 PNP transistors
- 28x 68Ω resistors
- 28x 2KΩ resistors
- 2x 1KΩ resistor
- 1x 22KΩ resistor
- 1x 7.5Ω resistor
- 1x .22uf capacitor
- 2x IR LEDs
- 1x IR Receiver
- 1x PN2222 Transistor
- 5x proto boards
- 1x button
- 1x 24V Power Supply
- 1x 9V Power Supply
- Create a compartment for the Violet Wand, wrap it in aluminum foil, and ground it (earth ground AND via extension cord).
- Wrap cables generously with ferrite beads.
- Keep counter board suspended above (and insulated from) the ground.
- An Isolation Transformer may or may not be helpful.