Indoor positioning of iBeacon tags (tagged people, dogs, cats and objects) with trilateration.
Edit mosquitto-demo.conf -file. Set the path to acl files, like:
acl_file /home/w3/Downloads/iBeacon-indoor-positioning-demo/mosquitto_acl.config password_file /home/w3/Downloads/iBeacon-indoor-positioning-demo/mosquitto_pw.config
Start mosquitto with command: mosquitto -v -c ./mosquitto-demo.conf
MQTT users are "station" and "dashboard" and all passwords are "bledemo".
ESP32 modules will work as iBeacon monitoring stations, reporting all found beacons to MQTT topic, with their MAC address and RSSI.
Dashboard is a simple React app, connecting to MQTT server (mosquitto) and showing each beacon on screen. Beacons are shown on a map (office/home floor plan).
- improve accuracy (average value, faster beacons, sync stations)
- add beacon MAC whitelist to sidebar
- add server settings to sidebar
- add properties to beacon icons
- connect to iTAG's
- ... what else?