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Home Assistant Configuration

Manage Devices
Common Commands


  1. Use Etcher to burn an image to a microSD card.
  2. Insert the microSD into the internal Pi slot and boot.
  3. Access the web interface at http://hassio.local:8123.
  4. Install the SSH Server add-on and proceed with configuration.


SSH Server Add-On

Configure via the web interface. Get the key from ~/.ssh/ or generate a new one.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Add the key to the authorized list in the HA SSH add-on.

  "authorized_keys": ["ssh-rsa AKDJD3839...== my-key"],
  "password": ""

After restarting the SSH Server add-on, you should be able to access HA as root.

ssh -l root hassio.local

Restore Configuration

Connect via ssh and restore the configuration from GitHub.

# Install tools
apk add git
apk add openssl

# Generate self-signed SSL certificate
openssl req -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes \
  -keyout /ssl/privkey.pem -x509 -days 730 -out /ssl/fullchain.pem

## Restore configuration
cd /config
git init
git remote add origin
git fetch origin
git checkout --force --track origin/master

Now restore /config/secrets.yaml by copying the file, editing in vi, or whatever works.

All done! Confirm the configuration is valid via the web interface, and then restart Hassio.

Samba Share Configuration (Optional)

  "workgroup": "HOME",
  "username": "hassio",
  "password": "choose a password",
  "interface": "",
  "allow_hosts": [""]

Back Up Configuration

Commit and push changes to remote repo.

If you're using HTTPS with 2FA enabled, you'll need to use a personal access token instead of your password. I save mine in my password manager.

Manage Devices

Add Device

1. Add the device to HA

In HA web interface, go to Configuration > Z-Wave > Add Node (or Add Node Secure). Then, put the device in "add" mode (usually pressing a button).

2. Rename the entities

Go to Configuration > Entity Registry, then rename the entity and device using the convention:


For example:

  • Name: Living room slider right outlet
  • Entity ID: switch.living_room_slider_right_outlet
  • Device ID: zwave.living_room_slider_right_outlet

3. Commit the entity registry

Shell into Docker container on NUC and git diff .storage/core.entity_registry to confirm the new entries, then commit and push.

4. Set a friendly name

Update customize.yaml, e.g.

  friendly_name: Front entrance lights
  friendly_name: Front entrance lights device

5. Add the device to groups and/or automations

Update groups/*.yaml and/or automations/*.yaml.

6. Update the UI

Update storage/lovelace to add the entity to a card.

7. Update and restart

Commit all changes to the repo, pull them to HA, and then restart.

Key Files

File Purpose
.storage/core.config JSON file of system info (time zone, location, etc)
.storage/core.config_entries JSON file of integrations (zwave, wemo, etc)
.storage/core.area_registry JSON file of defined areas
.storage/core.device_registry JSON file of physical devices
.storage/core.entity_registry JSON file of virtual entities mapped to devices *
configuration.yaml Core HA configuration
secrets.yaml Secrets (password, zwave key, SSL cert, etc)
customize.yaml † Defines friendly names for entities
automations/*.yaml † Triggers and associated actions
groups/*.yaml † Groups entities to simplify acting on them together
scenes/*.yaml † Defines the desired state of a collection of entities and/or groups

† If entity IDs are changed in core.entity_registry, these files must be manually updated.

A quick way to list entity ID is to copy core.entity_registry to a browser console:

var x = {copied JSON} => console.log(y.entity_id + ' = ' +


Areas are defined in .storage/core.area_registry. These are self-explanatory.

  "data": {
    "areas": [
        "id": "96947473e7ad4656aafac955110e1812",
        "name": "Living Room"


Devices are defined in .storage/core.device_registry. Notable properties:

Property Purpose
area_id The ID of the area to put the device in
config_entries Config entry IDs linked to this device
id A unique identifier for this device
name The name as reported by the device
name_by_user An optional friendly name
  "data": {
    "devices": [
        "area_id": null,
        "config_entries": [
        "connections": [],
        "id": "fa1c144dde7741b2a986d40707208fba",
        "identifiers": [
          [ "zwave", 1 ]
        "manufacturer": "Z-Wave (Sigma Designs)",
        "model": "UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter",
        "name": "Z-Wave (Sigma Designs) UZB Z-Wave USB Adapter",
        "name_by_user": null,
        "sw_version": null,
        "via_device_id": null


Entities are defined in .storage/core.entity_registry. Notable properties:

Property Purpose
config_entry_id The ID of the config entry to associate the entity to (not sure what this does)
device_id Not sure what provides this ID
unique_id A unique identifier for this entity
name The name of the entity; can be changed
  "data": {
    "entities": [
        "config_entry_id": "aae134ab961f4ef4bbc60ba86810bfd6",
        "device_id": "29e772a5e3b743098571b89357eedb81",
        "disabled_by": null,
        "entity_id": "zwave.den_window_outlet_switch",
        "name": "Den window outlet",
        "platform": "zwave",
        "unique_id": "node-8"

Common Commands

Command Purpose
hassio ha check Validate current configuration
hassio ha restart Restart homeassistant
hassio host reboot Reboots the host machine


If HA won't start and you suspect configuration issues, run the check_config script to validate your configuration files:

# Shell into the container
docker exec -it home_assistant sh

# Run the check script on the current directory (should be /config)
hass --script check_config -c .


Getting Started Guide


My Home Assistant configuration and notes.






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