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Repo of follow ups to the FCC projects for repetition and combining techniques

  • Utilizing form elements in combination with grid and flexbox for positioning
  • Focus on reps utilizing different basic aspects of form elements and their attributes
  • Utilized different techniques of grid and flexbox with containers identified by dashed borders
  • No submit buttons provided as focus was on creation of forms and layout. Attempted to keep name and value attributes meaningful for submission.
  • Pros:
    • Improved memory of techniques to create and manipulate layout as project progressed with ability to look over prior sections and see areas for improvement (and make necessary adjustments)
    • Improved speed of finding and parsing needed information when having to look things up
    • Improved basic understanding of how form data will be bundled to be sent to the server
  • Cons:
    • Mixing flex and grid at this point leads to a lot of head scratching and looking for proper syntax
    • Minor tweaks taking a lot of time as well as trial and error to understand
    • Does not feel fluid
  • Straightforward project using general concepts addressed in lessons.
  • Fixed nav bar with internal page links
  • Video element and @media required
  • Pros:
    • Minimal difficulty with implementation
    • Had to look up video and @media implementation for reference and able to apply without difficulty
  • Cons:
    • No big ones for this project.
    • Will need to figure out best practices for fixed nav bars on dynamically sized pages. The issue is keeping page spaced properly on larger screens when stretching can be an issue. Topic to pursue.
  • Project on formatting and media queries
  • Focused on quick and efficient templating of required content
  • Minimal focus on styling and aesthetics
  • Pros:
    • Improved visualization of layout prior to implementation
    • Had a good idea how to implement challenge using flex and grid with efficient ability to check for semantics
    • Learned about
       element for proper styling when using the  element
    • Good practice with different types of width control for spacing and media queries
  • Cons:
    • Best practices for spacing for modern web?
    • Based on expected user or generically set up for all viewing types with focus on expected user?
    • Extra time to implement grid properly for media query breakpoint
  • Creation of basic portfolio template
  • Rapid creation focused with less emphasis on styling
  • Significant time spent with different spacing practices to observe effects and control of space
  • Pros:
    • Improving understanding of positioning
    • Basic flexbox positioning becoming wrote
  • Cons:
    • Centering project link required extra time and trial and error to apply correctly
      • Will benefit from improved developer tool skills to find parent sources of styling Should I be spending more time polishing projects? Where is the greatest benefit?
  • Creation of light webpage several using only JS
  • Practiced use of:
    • querySelector
    • createElement
    • appendChild
    • style.*
  • Could continue to be a useful exercise for repetitive practice with DOM syntax and light JS
  • Will benefit from DRYing out