The Little Editor That Could - it's emsys 1.0.0! At long last, an ersatz-emacs written in C that doesn't have at least one glaring defect or omission!
This is version 1.0.0, the minimum viable product - the simplest emacs-like text editor which had all the functionality I'd expect and use on the daily. It has some shortcomings and some aspects that are simpler than its cousins but hey; it would fit on almost any floppy disk (several times in the case of the mighty 3½ HD!) and has no dependencies, runtime or build.
The original goal for this editor was twofold: one, to provide something to edit config files, git commit messages, etc. on msys2 (hence the name) and two, to provide a convenient download for when ssh'd into a machine run by a luddite sysadmin that will tell you to "just use vim". Well, use vim no more; any machine with an internet connection now has access to a better alternative for those of us that are too stupid to remember if they're in insert mode ;)