This module is based on the Python library "" for extracting data from text.
For this purpose RegExp are used to determine the variable values from the text. The specification of the fields and the general defaults, e.g. substitution of characters is done in a YAML notation.
This module provides the following functions:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
name: PPP berlin-brandenburg-hamburg #name of the file
group: rechnung #group of the file
- PPP berlin-brandenburg-hamburg/i #i - caseinsensitive
- '(IBAN: DE99 1111 2222 3333 4444 55)|(IBAN: DE99 0000 0000 1111 2222 00)/x' #x - trim spaces
- Rechnung
langu: de-DE
decimal_separator: ','
thousand_separator: '.'
group_separator: ', ' #when working with several groups in RegExp, the groups are concatenated to each other
remove_accents: false
modifiers: gi #optional g - global, i - caseinsesitive, x - no-space
currency: EUR
date_formats: 'd.M.y' #formate for 'date-fns parse'
- ['€', 'EUR'] #replace characters
- ['|', ' ' ]
- invoice_number
- recipient_name
- recipient_addr
invoice_amount_float: #at the end _float converts to a float number
regex: (\d+,\d+) +EUR Rechnungsbetrag
modifiers: gi #optional g - global, i - caseinsesitive, x - no-space
static_currency: EUR
invoice_date: Rechnungsdatum +(\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{2,4}) #at the end _date converts to a date object
invoice_number: Rechnungsnummer +([\d\S]*) #Attention _number remains a string
recipient_name: (Hans Müller)|(Marie Schmidt)
recipient_addr: (Hauptstraße +100).+[\s]+(1000 +Berlin)
regex: 'IBAN:(\w{10,30})'
modifiers: gxi #this will find all IBAN as ',' separated string, no-space, caseinsesitive
BIC: 'BIC: (\w{8,11})'
static_sender_name: PPP berlin-brandenburg-hamburg
static_sender_addr: Hautpstraße, 100 - 10000 Berlin
subject: \s[.]*(MVZ Berlin)[.]*\s
static_category: Familie, Rechnung
Read the YAML file and initialize the ParsTemplate object:
//read and convert yaml-file to json-Object
let lYamlFile = await fs.readFile(`${__dirname}/test/test.yaml`, 'utf-8')
let { data: yamlDat } = formparser.yaml2Object(lYamlFile);
//init ParseTemplate
let lPaTe = new ParseTemplate(yamlDat)
It can be tested if the text is valid for the template, e.g. if it is the supplier or sender of the text:
let lText = await fs.readFile(`${__dirname}/test/ad89bea8-bd96-4cfd-942d-8d1e06cd9271000.jpg.txt`, 'utf-8');
//Test a text for validity (test)to the ParseTemplate
let lValide = lPaTe.performTest(lText) //true or false
If the test of the template is positive, then the variables can be extracted according to the YAML specification:
if (lValide) {
//extract all fields of the ParseTemplate from the text
let { data: lData, regex: lRegEx, protocol: lProtocol, error: lError } = lPaTe.parseData(lText)
console.log({lData, lRegEx, lProtocol, lError})
Example of a response:
{lData: {…}, lRegEx: {…}, lProtocol: {…}, lError: undefined}
lData: {invoice_amount_float: 32.16, currency: 'EUR', invoice_date: Sun Dec 05 20 …}
category: 'Familie, Rechnung'
currency: 'EUR'
IBAN: 'DE99999966664444333322, DE53333344445555666677, DE99000000001111222200, DE99111122223333444455'
invoice_amount_float: 32.16
invoice_date: Sun Dec 05 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
invoice_number: '6142/002497/'
recipient_addr: 'Hauptstraße 100, 1000 Berlin'
recipient_name: 'Hans Müller'
sender_addr: 'Hautpstraße, 100 - 10000 Berlin'
sender_name: 'PPP berlin-brandenburg-hamburg'
subject: 'MVZ Berlin'
lError: undefined
lProtocol: {invoice_amount_float: Array(0), currency: Array(0), invoice_date: Array(0), invoice_number: Array(0), recipient_name: Array(0), …}
lRegEx: {invoice_amount_float: Array(1), currency: Array(0), invoice_date: Array(1), invoice_number: Array(1), recipient_name: Array(1), …}