This module enables you to use the Flick Tracking and Gesture board with your Magic Mirror.
This module will emit 2 events - PAGE_DECREMENT when swiped left and PAGE_INCREMENT when swiped right.
- Flick Large – Standalone 3D Tracking and Gesture Breakout
- MMM-Pages - Excellent module for interfacing with a multi-page Magic Mirror.
- Flick Zero
- Flick HAT
- Any board using MGC3130 3D Tracking and Gesture Controller
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the 'config/config.js' file:
modules: [
module: 'MMM-flick-gestures'
Flicklib python library installed
MGC3130 controller board
pip install flicklib
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-flick-gestures
npm install
This module expects to be installed in /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-flick-gestures
If your path is different, you'll have to update myPythonScriptPath in node_helper.js to reflect
your MagicMirror path.
(If anyone has any idea how to make this more user-friendly, do make a pull request!)
Support north/south/airwheel/tap gestures
Configurable gesture to event mapping
This module is essentially a NodeJS wrapper of the Flick Board demo scripts written in python.