- github 가입 ( https://github.com )
- 우측상단의 [+] 선택 후 Import repository 를 선택함
- url 입력 부분에 https://github.com/jams777/chatbotlanding.git 입력
- Name(이름에) 가입한 아이디를 활용하여 {아이디}.github.io 라는 이름으로 생성
- 퍼블릭으로 생성
index.html 파일의 내용을 수정
Identity by HTML5 UP html5up.net | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
Just a fun little profile/card-style template I whipped up during a break between major projects. Minimal, responsive, and powered by Responsive Tools + Sass. Enjoy :)
Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images you can use for pretty much whatever.
(* = not included)
AJ aj@lkn.io | @ajlkn
Demo Images:
Unsplash (unsplash.com)
Font Awesome (fontawesome.io)
Responsive Tools (github.com/ajlkn/responsive-tools)