This project consists of the calculation of a given Nth index of the Fibonacci serious and returns the result.
There are two ways you can input the Nth number:
1- From the Fibonacci app.
2- From the Fibonacci api.
Download zip file or you can clone the project.
git clone
This project was made with VS Code.
You can open a new terminal in your VS Code and for each folder, you will need to install the dependencies
!!Note, you need nvm v16 or above to run code so make changes if needed.
nvm use v16
Install dependencies for React application
cd fibbonacci-app
npm install
Install dependencies for Nest API
cd fibonacci-api
npm install
Then you have to start your API so, change your directory to the fibonacci-api and in your terminal type
npm run start:dev
Then make a new terminal and start your React app
npm start
For making an input to the REST API you will type in the browser
And then, you will need to reload the React App to see the input and result from API.