Web scraping job listing of top Canada cities from "Glassdoor.ca" with Python and Selenium.
- By using Selenium, we can search by job title and city to get the WebElement of job listing page for each city, then go through each sub page and job card to retrieve job information.
- With each job, I got the following: Job title,Salary Estimation, Job Description, Rating, Company, Location, Size, Founded Date, Type of Ownership, Industry, Sector, Revenue, Website
- Scrapped information will be saved save in a csv file for data analysis.
- Python: Version 3.7
- Packages: selenium, csv, time
- To run Selenium tests on Chrome, we need to download chromedriver.exe from here.
- Then add the chromedriver path to the environment, or use driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="chrome path").